2023考研科目中,很多考生认为外语难度比较大 ,尤其是在题型方面体现的较为明显。为了方便大家更有效的准备考研英语中的翻译题型,下面天任小编为大家整理了“2023考研英语翻译日常练习:疫苗事件”,希望能给大家提供一些帮助。
在国外访问的中共中央总书记、国家主席、对吉林长春长生生物疫苗案件作出重要指示指出,长春长生生物科技有限责任公司违法违规生产疫苗行为,性质恶劣,令人触目惊心(hideous and appalling)。
Relevant departments and local authorities should pay close attention and immediately probe the case to find the truth, Xi said, adding that the investigation should be thorough, the punishment severe, the accountability held seriously, and the case's progress should be publicized on time to address public concern.
It is a bounden responsibility for Party committees and governments at all levels to ensure drug safety and the people's health should always be a top priority. A firm determination should be mustered to improve the country's vaccine management system, resolutely guard the bottom line of safety, and utmost efforts should be made to protect the people's interests and social security and stability.
The vaccine case has crossed a moral line, and the nation deserves a clear explanation.
The State Council should immediately send a group to thoroughly investigate the production and selling chain of vaccine, to uncover the truth as soon as possible, and any wrongdoing will be severely punished regardless of who is involved.
Any illegal acts that could harm the people's lives should be severely cracked down and people behind it punished in accordance with law. Any dereliction of duty in the supervision authority should be held accountable, and we should give the people a living environment that is safe, trustworthy and credible.
According to the investigation, the company counterfeited the vaccine’s production and inspection data, and changed the parameters for equipment and processing the vaccine.
目前,已责令企业停止生产(terminate the production),收回药品生产质量管理规范(Good Manufacturing Practices,GMP)证书,同时会同吉林省局已对企业立案调查,涉嫌犯罪的移送公安机关追究刑事责任(the cases of those suspected of violating laws will be transferred to public security departments)。
GMP(Good Manufacturing Practices),中文含义是“生产质量管理规范”或“良好作业规范”、“优良制造标准”。
Good manufacturing practices (GMP) are the practices required in order to conform to the guidelines recommended by agencies that control the authorization and licensing of the manufacture and sale of food and beverages, cosmetics, pharmaceutical products, dietary supplements, and medical devices.
These guidelines provide minimum requirements that a manufacturer must meet to assure that their products are consistently high in quality, from batch to batch, for their intended use. The rules that govern each industry may differ significantly; however, the main purpose of GMP is always to prevent harm from occurring to the end user.
国家药监局将组织对所有疫苗生产企业进行飞行检查(unannounced inspections),对违反法律法规规定的行为要严肃查处。
根据要求,国务院已建立专门工作机制(establish a task-force),并派出调查组进驻长春长生生物科技有限责任公司进行立案调查。吉林省成立省市两级案件查处领导小组,配合国务院调查组做好相关工作,并结合此案件全面排查高风险药品企业(look into all other high-risk pharmaceutical companies)。
目前,长春长生董事长高某芳等15名涉案人员已被长春新区公安分局依法刑事拘留(criminal detention);吉林、山东两省纪委监委启动对长春长生疫苗案可能存在的****问题展开调查(conduct inspections regarding any possible corruption problems)。