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2023考研英语翻译复习指导:谓语识别与翻译方法 考研翻译每日一练

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2022-12-22 16:56:05  |  关键词: 考研翻译每日一练 复试英译汉


2023考研英语翻译复习指导:谓语识别与翻译方法 考研翻译每日一练

  2023考研科目中,很多考生认为外语难度比较大 ,尤其是在题型方面体现的较为明显。为了方便大家更有效的准备考研英语中的翻译题型,下面天任小编为大家整理了“2023考研英语翻译复习指导:谓语识别与翻译方法”,希望能给大家提供一些帮助。


  (一) 识别:

  e.g. I eat an apple.

  I will eat an apple.

  I will eat up an apple.

  1. 找对谓语:找到所有动词(实意动词+系动词);

  排除非谓语动词(V-ed; V-ing; to do)

  e.g. The boy sits there (无be)holding a book.

  Lily loved a boy named(被动) Tom.

  *非谓语v.: v-ed与前面N.构成被动关系;v-ing/ to do 前无助动词be.

  2. 找全谓语: 动词短语(简化句子结构&积累记忆);

  (e.g. will eat) 情态v./助v.+ v.原

  (二) 三态:

  1. 时态:

  a) 时间(现在/过去/将来/过去将来) x v状态(一般/进行/完成/完成进行)

  e.g. 过去将来— 5年前我说,5年后我要……


  b) 一般现在时

  c) 一般过去时

  d) 现在完成时

  W: 过去持续到现在(一直)—I’ve been a member of the club since 2016; 过去影响现在(已经)-- I’ve watched this movie and I recommend it to you(暗示了解)

  R: 抛砖引玉(中心论点—时效性--now)

  2. 语态(主动+被动):被be+ v-ed (+ by sb.)

  e.g. A man was killed by another man.

  3. 情态x9:must> will/would/should/ought to> may/might/can/could


  (三) 强调x3:

  1. do/does/did+ V.

  exercise: P.22 1

  2. 强调句:

  e.g. Tom bought a book yesterday.

  It is Tom who bought a book yesterday.

  It is a book that Tom bought yesterday.

  *it is/ was + 强调部分+ that/who +句子

  *区分(去掉it’s、that ):

  e.g. it is a fact that she tells. 强调(完整)

  it is a fact that she tells me a secret. 形式主语(多余)

  3. 其他:

  (1) above all/ (2) in the world/on earth / (3) hence强调结果—hence + (there be) + n.短语

  (四) 倒装:主 谓 宾—谓(全) 主 宾;情态v.(部分) 主 v. 宾

  1. 识别:主语识别方法(n.性)

  2. 由来: 头重脚轻/ 重要信息提前出来

  1. 全部倒装:

  1) 主系表—表语前置

  2) than引导比较状语从句

  e.g. Parents watch more TV than (动作重要—提前:DO) their children watch TV (do).

  2. 部分倒装: 助v./情态v. +主语+动词

  1) 否定词于句首:

  *否定词:no, not, never, seldom, little, hardly, at no time, in no way, by no means, not until

  2) “only+状语”于句首:

  e.g. (W) Only in this way can we make a better world.

  3) as/though引导让步状语从句:

  e.g. Though it may appear strange, it’s true.

  Strange (adj.) though it may appear, it’s true.

  e.g. Though I tried, I failed.

  Tried(v.) though I do, I failed.

  e.g. Though I worked much, I failed.

  Much(adv.) though I worked, I failed.

  *as=though, 必倒装;as于句首必倒装


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