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2023考研英语翻译复习指导:常考缩略语总结 考研翻译题目汇总

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2022-12-22 16:24:07  |  关键词: 考研翻译题目汇总 考研英语翻译语序


2023考研英语翻译复习指导:常考缩略语总结 考研翻译题目汇总

  2023考研英语中,很多考生认为翻译难度比较大 ,尤其是在遇到长难句时不知道如何分析。为了方便大家更有效去准备考研英语中的翻译题型,下面天任小编为大家整理了“2023考研英语翻译复习指导:常考缩略语总结”,希望能给大家提供一些帮助。


  国际评级机构 international rating institution

  实体经济 real economy 虚拟经济 fictitious economy

  债权人 creditor

  不可抗力 force majeure

  政府采购 government purchasing/ procurement

  中国人民政治协商会议 CPPCC

  司法公正judicial fairness

  黄金储备 gold reserve

  抗洪救灾 fight floods and disaster relief

  道德经 Tao Te Ching

  科教兴国 develop/rejuvenate the nation through science and education

  外向型经济 export-oriented economy, outward-looking economy

  载人航天 manned space flight

  行政问责 administrative accountability

  公务接待费 official hospitality

  法人代表 legal representative

  蜗居 dwelling narrowness, dwelling in a narrow space

  富二代 rich second generation, affluent second generation

  工业三废 three industrial wastes

  潜规则 unspoken rules, tacit rules

  发动机排量 engine capacity

  公民健康档案 citizen health file, citizen health archives

  全球化 globalization

  增值税 value-added tax

  住房信贷政策 housing credit policy

  颐和园 Summer Palace

  法律硕士 Master of Law

  裸捐 all-out donation

  畅通重庆 Smooth Chongqing, Traffic-Smooth Chongqing

  物流 logistics

  辛亥革命 the Revolution of 1911

  中国农村扶贫 China’s rural poverty alleviation

  保障性安居工程 construction of affordable housing projects

  家电下乡 home appliances going to the countryside

  叙利亚危机 Syria crisis

  占领华尔街 Occupation of Wall Street,Occupy Wall Street

  醉驾 drunk driving

  双赢 win-win

  医患纠纷 medical dispute

  人民币汇率 RMB exchange rate

  面子工程 image project,vanity project

  社会主义市场经济 socialist market economy

  航空航天医学 aerospace medicine

  文人画 Literati Painting

  负翁 spend-more-than-earn,man in debt

  主页 homepage

  临时工 temporary workers,seasonal workers

  集中营 concentration camp

  隐私权 right of privacy

  储蓄银行 savings bank,deposit bank

  水利枢纽工程 water conservancy project

  “一国两制”基本国策 “one country,two systems”basic state policy

  文化产业 cultural industry 创意文化产业 Creative and Cultural Industries

  高峰会议summit,summit conference

  中国社会科学院 Chinese Academy of Social Sciences,CASS

  外汇 foreign exchange,foreign currency

  月光族 moonlite

  钉子户 nail household暴力拆迁forced relocation 拆迁补偿 relocation compensation

  按揭贷款 mortgage 首付 down payment 按揭贷款收付款 mortgage down payment

  体育彩票 sports lottery

  国家公务员 public servant

  自助游 DIY tour,self-funded travel自驾游self-driving tour 跟团旅游 package tour

  印花税 stamp tax

  网络犯罪 cyber crimes

  假文凭 Fake Diploma, FD

  食品安全 food safety

  插花(艺术)flower arrangement,ikebana

  知识产权保护 the protection of Intellectual Property Rights

  主权债务危机 sovereign debt crisis

  草根文化 grass-rooted culture

  贸易顺差 trade surplus


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