武汉大学生物系理学学士(细胞生物学;1987);纽约大学医学院sackler基础生物医学研究生项目理学硕士(基础医学-分子肿瘤发生;1997)和环境医学研究所Ph.D.(哲学博士-环境健康学;2003)。2006年加入母校武汉大学成立6年的公共卫生学院。分别牵头申报了公共卫生硕士(Master of Public Health, MPH)专业学位点和起草了全球健康学硕士(Master of Global Health)学术学位点申报书。受邀担任应用毒理湖北省重点实验室(湖北省疾病预防控制中心·食品药品安全评价中心)客座研究员和教育部发酵工程重点实验室(湖北工业大学)客座教授。武汉大学学术委员会医学委员。
1. Zhu, L.-W., Xia, S.-T., Wei, N.-L., Li, H.-M., Yuan, Z.* and Y.-J. Tang*. 2016. Enhancing succinic acid biosynthesis in Escherichia coli by engineering its global transcription factor, catabolite repressor/activator (Cra). Sci. Rep. 6, 36526; doi: 10.1038/srep36526.
2. Wang, H., Tang, L., Tang, Y.* and Z. Yuan*. 2014. SAR analysis and biological studies of synthesized podophyllum derivates obtained by N linkage modification at C-4 position. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 22(21): 6183-92. (IF=2.903)
3. Zhao, W.1, Chen1, L., Li, H., Wang, D., Li, D., Chen, T., Yuan, Z.* and Y. Tang*. 2014. A rational design strategy of the novel topoisomerase II inhibitors for the synthesis of the 4-O-(2-pyrazinecarboxylic)-4'-demethylepipodophyllotoxin with antitumor activity by diminishing the relaxation reaction of topoisomerase II-DNA decatenation. Bioorganic & Medicinal Chemistry 22 (11): 2998-3007. (1. equal contributors)
4. Li, D., Liu, R., Li, H., Yuan, Z., Chen, T., and Y.Tang. 2014. Ranking the significance of fermentation conditions on the volatile organic compounds of Tuber melanosporum fermentation system by combination of head-space solid phase microextraction and chromatographic fingerprint similarity analysis. Bioprocess and Biosystems Engineering: 37(3):543-52.
5. Zhao, W., Wang, X., Li, H., Wang, S., Chen, T., Yuan, Z. and Y. Tang. 2014. Isolation and characterization of polysaccharides with the antitumor activity from Tuber fruiting bodies and fermentation system. Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 98(5): 1991-2002.
6. Liu, R., Zhou, H., Li, H., Yuan, Z., Chen, T. and Y. Tang. 2013. Metabolism of L-methionine linked to the biosynthesis of volatile organic sulfur-containing compounds during the submerged fermentation of Tuber melanosporum. Applied Microbiol. Biotechnol. 97(23): 9981-92.
7. Zhu, L., Li, X., Zhang, L., Li, H., Liu, J., Yuan, Z., Chen, T. and Y. Tang. 2013. Activation of glyoxylate pathway without the activation of its related gene in succinate-producing engineered Escherichia coli. Metabolic Engineering 20: 9-19.
8. 张慧颖,祝雯雯,袁占鹏* 2012. 低剂量PCB77急性暴露对氧化还原稳态的可能影响。公共卫生与预防医学 23(1):8-12。
9. Kittinger, J.N., Coontz, K., Yuan, Z., Han, D., Zhao, X. and B.A. Wilcox. 2009. Toward holistic evaluation and assessment: linking ecosystems and human well-being for the three gorges dam. EcoHealth 6: 601-13.
10. Yuan, Z., Courtenay, S., Chambers, R.C. and I. Wirgin. Evidence of spatially extensive resistance to PCBs in an anadromous fish of the Hudson River. 2006. Environ Health Perspectives 144 (1): 77-84.
11. Yuan, Z., Courtenay, S. and I. Wirgin. Comparison of hepatic and extra hepatic induction of cytochrome P4501A by graded doses of aryl hydrocarbon receptor agonists in Atlantic tomcod from two populations. 2006. Aquatic Toxicology 76(3):306-320.
12. Yuan, Z. 2003. Resistance of Cytochrome P4501A1 mRNA to Induction by Halogenated Aryl Hydrocarbons in Atlantic Tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) from the Hudson River - Its Prevalence and Mechanistic Bases. Ph.D. dissertation, New York University.
13. Roy, N., Courtenay, S., Maxwell, G., Yuan, Z., Chambers, R.C. and I. Wirgin. 2002. Cytochrome P4501A1 is induced by PCB 77 and benzo[a]pyrene treatment but not by exposure to the Hudson River environment in Atlantic tomcod (Microgadus tomcod) post-yolk sac larvae. Biomarkers. 7: 162-173.
14. Yuan, Z., Wirgin, M., Courtenay, S., Ikonomou, M. and I. Wirgin. 2001. Is hepatic cytochrome P4501A1 expression predictive of hepatic burdens of dioxins, furans, and PCBs in Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River estuary? Aquat. Toxicol. 54: 217-230.
15. Roy, N., Courtenay, S., Yuan, Z., Maxwell, G., Ikonomou, M. and I. Wirgin. 2001. An evaluation of the etiology of reduced CYP1A1 messenger RNA expression in the Atlantic tomcod from the Hudson River, New York, USA, using reverse transcriptase polymerase chain reaction analysis. Environ. Toxicol. Chem., 20: 1022-1030.