电 话:
主要研究方向为代数数论和算术代数几何,特别是p进Galois表示理论。与法国科学院J.-M. Fontaine院士合作完成论著Theory of p-adic Galois Representations,已发表SCI论文近30篇,编辑出版国际会议论文集Number Theory and Related Area (International Press/高教社),是2004-2015年间中法算术几何交流中方主要负责人,培养了包括10余位青千在内大批青年数学人才。
1. 《代数学I:代数学基础》,欧阳毅,申伊塃,高等教育出版社,2016年8月。
2. 《代数学II:近世代数》,欧阳毅,叶郁,陈洪佳,高等教育出版社,2017年1月。
3. 《代数学III:代数学进阶》,欧阳毅,高等教育出版社,2019年10月。
Songsong Li, - and Zheng Xu, Neighborhood of the supersingular elliptic curve isogeny graph at j=0 and 1728, Finite Fields Appl., January, 2020.
- and Zheng Xu, Loops of isogeny graphs of supersingular elliptic curves at j=0, Finite Fields Appl. 58(2019), 174-176.
–and Xianhong Xie, Linear complexity of generalized cyclotomic sequences of period 2pm, Des. Codes Cryptogr. 87 (2019), no. 11, 2585-2596.
Yang Liu and -, On binary quadratic forms modulo n, Commun. Math. Stat. 7(2019), no. 1, 61-67.
Songsong Li and -, Counting the solutions of λ1x1k`+… λtxtkt≡c mod n, J. Number Theory 187(2018), 41-65.
Bei Wang, - and Honggang Hu, Efficient Pairing Computation on Twisted Weierstrass Curves, Chinese J. Electronics 27(2018), 739-745.
- and Jinbang Yang, On a conjecture of Wan about limiting Newton polygons, Finite Fields Appl. 41(2016), 64-71.
- and Shenxing Zhang, Newton polygons of L-functions of polynomials xd+axd-1^with p≡-1 mod d, Finite Fields Appl. 37(2016), 285-294.
- and Shenxing Zhang, Birch's lemma over global function fields, Proc. Amer. Math. Soc. 145(2017), 577-584.
–and Jinbang Yang, Newton Polygons of L functions of polynomials xd+ax, J. Number Theory 160(2016), 478-491.
–and Shenxing Zhang, On second 2-descent and non-congruent numbers, Acta Arith. 170 (2015), 343-360.
–and Zhe Zhang,Hilbert genus fields of real biquadratic fields, Ramanujan J. 37(2015) 345-363.
- and Zhe Zhang,Hilbert genus fields of biquadratic fields, Sci. China Math. 57, No. 10(2014), 2111--2122.
- and Jinbang Yang, On the cohomology of semi-stable p-adic Galois representations, C. R. Math. Acad. Sci. Paris Vol. 352(2014), 557--561.
–and Shenxing Zhang,On non-congruent numbers with 1 modulo 4 prime factors, Sci. China Math. 57, No. 3(2014), 649--658.
-, Lectures on p-adic zeta functions and (φ,Γ)-modules, in Number Theory and Related Area, pp. 85-147, 2013.
-, F. Xu, C. Xing and P. Zhang, Number Theory and Related Area, editor, Advanced Lecture in Mathematics, Vol.27, Higher Education Press and International Press, 2013.
Yiwen Ding and -, A simple proof of Dieudonné-Manin classification Theorem, Acta. Math. Sin. (Engl. Ser.) Vol. 28, No. 8 (2012), 1553--1558.
- and Hang Xue, Class numbers of Cyclic 2-extensions and Gross conjecture over Q, Sci. China Math. Vol. 53, No. 9 (2010), 2447--2462.
Kumar Murty and-, The growth of Selmer ranks of an abelian variety with complex multiplication, Pure and Appl. Math. Quarterly 2, No. 2(2006), 539-555.
-, The Gross conjecture over rational function fields, Science in China, Ser. A. Mathematics 48, No. 12 (2005), 1609-1617.
-, The universal Kolyvagin recursion implies Kolyvagin recursion,Acta. Math. Sinica, English Ser. 23, No.7 (2007), 1163-1172.
On the universal norm distribution, J. Ramanujan Math. Soc. 17,
No. 4 (2002), 287--311.
Greg W. Anderson and -, A note on the cyclotomic Euler systems and the double complex method, Can. J. Math. 55, No.4(2003), 673--692
-, The universal norm distribution and Sinnott's index formula, PAMS 130(2002), No. 8, 2203-2213.
-, The group cohomology of universal ordinary distribution, Crelle537(2001), 1--32.
My thesis Group cohomology of the universal ordinary distribution and its applications, University of Minnesota, advisor: Greg William Anderson. 2000.
- and Fei Xu, Riemann-Hurwitz formula in Basic Zs-extensions, Acta Arith.LXXXI.1(1997), 1--10.
Jean-Marc Fontaine and -, Theory of p-adic Galois representations, second draft, a book in preparation.
Jianing Li, -, Yue Xu and Shenxing Zhang, l-Class groups of fields in Kummer towers, preprint, 2019.
-, Xianhong Xie, Honggang Hu and Ming Mao, Construction of three classes of Strictly Optimal Frequency-Hopping Sequence Sets, preprint, 2019.
Bei Wang, -, Honggang Hu, Songsong Li and Xiaohan Zhang, A New Twofold Cornacchia-Type Algorithm for 4-GLV Decompositions on Two Classes of Elliptic Curves, preprint, 2019.
Songsong Li, -and Zheng Xu, Endomorphism rings of supersingular elliptic curves over Fp, preprint, 2019.