朱祖勍,男,生于1979年2月,安徽省蚌埠市人。美国加州大学戴维斯分校(University of California,Davis)电子与计算机工程专业博士,现任中国科学技术大学电子工程与信息科学系副教授、博士生导师。主要研究方向为下一代光通信网络、全光信号处理、新型光路由交换机制和多媒体网络等。
2007年7月~2011年1月,美国思科(Cisco)公司总部的Service Provider Technology Group,任高级工程师。
现任IEEE会员,IEEE Photonics Society成员,和Optical Society of America(OSA)会员,是多个通信网络方面的知名期刊和国际会议的特邀审稿人。现担任下列等十余个网络通信方向的国际期刊的编辑或编委:
·Editor in Chief,International Journal of Advances in Optical Communication and Networks (IJAOCN)
·Associate Editor,Elsevier Journal of Optical Switching and Networking (OSN)
·Associate Editor,Springer Telecommunication Systems Journal (TSMJ)
·Associate Editor,Springer Networking and Electronic Commerce Journal (NAEC)
·Associate Editor,Journal of Networks (JNW)
·Area Editor,International Journal of Communication Networks and Information Security (IJCNIS)
·Editor,International Journal of Computer Networks & Communications (IJCNC)
曾被6个国际会议聘为会议公共关系主席(Publicity Chair),担任过28个国际会议的技术委员会成员(Technical Program Committee Member,TPC),其中包括INFOCOM,GLOBECOM,ICC,ICCCN,ICT和CHINACOM等通信网络方向的知名会议。已经发表学术期刊论文14篇(均被SCI检索),会议论文32篇,所有论文SCI他引超过100次。
11.Zuqing Zhu,“Optical Regenerator Placement Strategy to Achieve Green Design of Translucent Optical Networks”,in Technical Digest of IEEE Wireless and Optical Communications Conference (WOCC),Apr.2011 (Invited).
10.Zuqing Zhu,“Design Green and Cost-Effective Translucent Optical Networks”,in Technical Digest of IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC),paper OWI4,Mar.2011.
9.Zuqing Zhu and Yonggang Wen,“Architecturing green broadband cable access network: energy-delay trade-off”,in Technical Digest of IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference (OFC),paper JWA075,Mar.2011
8.Zuqing Zhu,Masaki Funabashi,Zhong Pan,Bo Xiang,Loukas Paraschis,and S.J.B.Yoo,“Jitter and Amplitude Noise Accumulations in Cascaded All-Optical Regenerators”,IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology,Vol.26,No.12,pp.1640-1652,June,2008.
7.Zuqing Zhu,Masaki Funabashi,Zhong Pan,Loukas Paraschis,David L.Harris,and S.J.B.Yoo,“High-performance optical 3R regeneration for scalable fiber transmission system applications”,IEEE/OSA Journal of Lightwave Technology,vol.25,no.2,pp.504-511,Feb.2007.
6.Zuqing Zhu,Bo Xiang,Loukas Paraschis,and S.J.Ben Yoo,“Experimental Demonstration of an All-Optical Clock and Data Recovery Technology for 10 Gb/s NRZ-DPSK Signals”,in Technical Digest of IEEE/OSA Photonics in Switching 2007,Paper WB4.2,2007.
5.Zuqing Zhu,Haijun Yang,Bo Xiang,and S.J.B.Yoo,“Experimental Demonstration of an Optical-Label-Switching Router Architecture Supporting Selective 3R Regeneration”,in Technical Digest of IEEE/OSA Optical Fiber Communication Conference,paper OThF6,Mar.2007.
4.Zuqing Zhu,Masaki Funabashi,Zhong Pan,Loukas Paraschis,and S.J.B.Yoo,“1000 Cascaded stages of optical 3R regeneration with SOA-MZI-based clock enhancement to achieve 10-Gb/s 125 000-km dispersion uncompensated transmission”,IEEE Photonics Technology Letters,vol.18,no.20,pp.2059-2061,Oct.2006.
3.Zuqing Zhu,Masaki Funabashi,Zhong Pan,Loukas Paraschis,and S.J.B.Yoo,“10 000-hop Cascaded In-line All-optical 3R Regeneration to Achieve 1 250 000-km 10-Gb/s Transmission”,IEEE Photonics Technology Letter,vol.18,no.5,pp.718-720,Mar.2006.
2.Zuqing Zhu,Zhong Pan,Masaki Funabashi,Bo Xiang,Loukas Paraschis,David L.Harris,and S.J.B.Yoo,“Demonstration of Field Trial Experiments to Investigate the Cascadability of a 10 Gb/s Optical 3R Regenerator with All-optical Clock Recovery”,in Technical Digest of International Conference on Photonics in Switching 2006,paper O 3.4,Oct.2006.
1.Zuqing Zhu,Zhong Pan,Masaki Funabashi,Bo Xiang,S.J.B.Yoo,Loukas Paraschis,and David L.Harris,“Demonstration of 264,000 km,10 Gb/s field fiber transmission using 1,000 cascaded all-optical 3R regeneration stages”,in Technical Digest of European Conference and Exhibition on Optical Communication (ECOC),Cannes,France,paper We3.P.122,Sept.2006.