教师姓名: 王春杰 所在单位: 数学学科
性 别: 男 现有职称: 教授
出生年月: 1967-11-18 导师身份: 硕导
民 族: 汉 办公电话: 022-60435694
政治面貌: 群众 学 历: 博士研究生
学 位: 博士
电子信箱: wcj498@126.com
详细地址: 天津市北辰区双口镇河北工业大学理学院
科研项目(已完成项目)信息 时间-名称-来源-经费-排序-水平-级别
河北省自然科学基金:双曲距离,Carleson测度与解析函数空间理论研究 2007.1-2009.12,主持
论文信息 作者排名-论文题目-发表期刊-发表时间-收录情况
1. Chunjie Wang, Refining the constant in a maximum principle for the Bergman space, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 132 (2004), 853-855.
2. Chunjie Wang, An upper bound on Korenblum's constant, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 49(2004), 561-563.
3. Chunjie Wang, On Korenblum's constant, Journal of Mathematical Analysis and Applications, 296(2004), 262-264.
4. Chunjie Wang & Lizhong Peng, The arc length of the lemniscate |w^n+c|=1, Rocky Mountain Journal of Mathematics, 36(2006), 337-347.
5. Chunjie Wang, On Korenblum's maximum principle, Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 134(2006), 2061-2066.
6. Chunjie Wang, On a maximum principle for Bergman spaces with small exponents, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 59(2007), 597-601.
7. Chunjie Wang, Behavior of the constant in Korenblum's maximum principle, Mathematische Nachrichten, (3)281(2008), 447-454.
8. Chunjie Wang, Domination in the Bergman space and Korenblum's constant, Integral Equations and Operator Theory, 61(2008), 423-432.
9.Chunjie Wang, Some results on Korenblum's maximum principle, J. Math. Anal. Appl., 373 (2011), 393-398.
10. Xinjie Gao & Chunjie Wang, Domination in certain spaces associated with Qp spaces, Analysis, 31(2011),293-298.
11.Chunjie Wang & Kehe Zhu, Logarithmic convexity of area integral means for analytic functions, submitted.