她的文章发表在European Journal of Operational Research,International Journal of Production Economics,Decision Support Sytems, OR Spectrum等期刊上,目前共发表中英文论文二十余篇。她是美国运筹与管理科学协会的成员,是 European Journal of Operational Research, International Journal of Production Economics, OMEGA: The International Journal of Management Science, IEEE Transaction on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part A 等国际期刊的审稿人。她多次在国际会议及国际国内知名大学做学术报告。
MBA:Operations Management 运营管理(全英/中),Supply Chain Management (English)
[1]Wei, Y., Choi, T.-M. 2010. “Mean–variance analysis of supply chains under wholesale pricing and pro?t sharing schemes”. European Journal of Operational Research. 204 (2), 255-262.
[2]Wei, Y. and Chen, Y. 2011. “Joint Determination of Inventory Replenishment and Sales Effort with Uncertain Market Responses”. International Journal of Production Economics. 134(2), 368-374.
[3]Wei, Y. 2012. “Optimization and Optimality of a Joint Pricing and Inventory Control Policy in Periodic-Review Systems with Lost Sales”. OR Spectrum. 34(1),243-271.
[4] Y. Wei, Y. Chen, H. Yan, et.al. 2009. “Divide and conquer: from MTO to ATO/MTO---A case study of an electronic manufacturer”. Innovative Quick Response Programmes in Logistics and Supply Chain Management, in Springer’s International Handbooks on Information Systems Series, pp.331-354.
[5] Philippe Chevalier, Jean-Christophe Van den Schrieck and Ying Wei. 2010. "Measuring the variability in supply chains with the peakedness". CORE Discussion Paper Series: 2010/67.
[6] Guillaume Roels, Philippe Chevalier, and Ying Wei. 2012. "United we stand? Coordinating capacity investment and allocation in joint ventures". CORE Discussion Paper Series:2012/45.
[7] Tsan-Ming Choi, Jian Li, and Ying Wei. 2012. "Will a Supplier Benefit from Sharing Good Information with a Retailer?". Decision Support System. Accepted.
[1] 项目主持人, 国家自然科学基金,2012-2014. 面向随机可控需求的库存模型研究(71101063)
[2] 项目参与人, 国家自然科学基金,2012-2015. 基于多智能体建模与仿真的多渠道供应链协调问题研究(71171085)
[3] 项目主持人, 暨南大学管理学院重点学科建设育题基金项目,2012-2013. 基于决策行为的库存管理研究.
[4] 项目主持人, 暨南大学人才科研启动项目,2011. 不确定需求环境下市场因素对库存管理的影响.
[5] 项目主持人, 暨南大学科研培育与创新基金研究项目(青年基金:11JYB2001),2011. 不确定需求环境下促销与库存组合决策研究.
[6] 项目参与人, HK RGC Earmarked Research Grant, 2008: “The Impacts of Increased demand Uncertainty on Profit and Coordination in Fashion Supply Chains”
[7] 项目参与人, Belgium, Région wallonne Project, 2005-2010:“Modeling variability in a supply chain”.
[8]项目参与人, Belgium, Actions de Recherche Concertées (ARC) Project, 2008-2013: “Managing Shared Resources in Supply Chain”.
[9]项目参与人,国家自然科学基金“九五”重大项目, 2001-2002:“支持宏观经济决策的人机结合综合集成体系”子题“宏观经济信息、模型体系以及功能研究”(优,国防科技进步二等奖).
[10]项目参与人,香港某电子制造企业的供应链咨询与改善项目,2006, 香港利丰供应链管理及物流研究所部分资助.
[1] 项目主持人,暨南大学本科教改项目,2012—2013.基于暨南大学“课程建设与管理中心”平台的采购与供应管理课程建设实践
[1] 2012年, 暨南大学本科教学竞赛二等奖
[2] 2013年,教育部第六届高等学校优秀研究成果奖-三等奖(人文社科-管理学类,论文奖)