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来源:天任教育 | 更新时间:2020-04-17


姓名: 金双侠 出生年月: 1979.2

性别: 男 硕/博导: 硕导

民族: 汉 开设课程: 植物生物技术,作物生产实习,育种学实习

职称: 副教授 研究方向: 棉花组织培养,基因工程

学位: 博士





华中农业大学植物科学技术学院作物遗传育种专业博士,副教授,硕士生导师。1997-2001,华中农业大学农学系农学专业就读;2001-2006,华中农业大学植物科学技术学院攻读硕士、博士学位,获农学博士学位,指导教师均为张献龙教授. 目前在美国University of Central Florida, Henry Daniell 教授指导下进行博士后研究,研究方向为植物叶绿体转化。研究领域主要涉及棉花细胞、组织培养、棉花转基因等。目前从事棉花抗病,虫及逆境基因的克隆及高效表达载体(叶绿体转化表达体系)的开发及转基因研究。


国家自然科学基金 植物凝集素基因在棉花中的功能分析 主持 2012-2015

新疆建设兵团博士资金项目 转基因抗病虫、抗逆聚合杂交棉新组合选育技术研究,主持,2007-2009

国家自然科学基金 棉花外源基因叶绿体转化体系的建立及其应用(30771368),主持,2008-2010

教育部博士点新教师基金 以gfp基因为报告基因监测转基因棉花花粉漂移(20070504087),主持,2008-2010

国家自然科学基金重大国际合作项目 Development of strong pest-resistance cotton via transforming plastid and its application in breeding, 主要参加者,2009-2011

国家自然科学基金 利用基因诱捕构建棉花功能基因组研究突变群体,主要参加,2005-2007










[1]Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang1, Henry Daniell* Pinellia ternata agglutinin expression in chloroplasts confers broad spectrum resistance against aphid, whitefly, lepidopteran insects, bacterial and viral pathogens.Plant Biotechnology Journal,2011,online.(SCI)

[2]Dheeraj Verma, Shuangxia Jin, Anderson Kanagaraj, Nameirakpam Dolendro Singh, Jaiyanth Daniel, Pappachan Kolattukudy, Michael Miller, and Henry Daniell.Membrane Destabilization Properties of Cutinase and Swollenin expressed in Transgenic Chloroplasts.(Under review)

[3]Shuangxia Jin, Anderson Kanagaraj, Dheeraj Verma, Theo Lange, Henry Daniell.Release of Hormones from Conjugates: Chloroplast Expression of ß-glucosidase Results in Elevated Phytohormone Levels Associated with Significant Increase in Biomass and Protection from Aphids or Whiteflies Conferred by Sucrose Esters. Plant Physiol,2011,155,222-235.(SCI)

[4]Seung-Bum Lee, Baichuan Li, Shuangxia Jin and Henry Daniell.Expression and characterization of antimicrobial peptides Retrocyclin-101 and Protegrin-1 in chloroplasts to prevent sexual transmission of diseases. Plant Biotechnology Journal.2011,9.100-115.(SCI)

[5]Verma D, Kanagaraj A, Jin SX, Singh N, Kolattukudy P, Daniell H. Chloroplast-derived enzyme cocktails hydrolyse lignocellulosic biomass and release fermentable sugars.Plant Biotechnology Journal,2010,8:332-350 (SCI).

[6]Jin SX, Zhang XL, Zhu HG, Zhou ZL, Nie YC. Detection of somaclonal variation of cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) through RAPD, SSR markers, cytogenetic and flow cytometer analysis. Plant Cell Reports, 2008,27:1303–1316.(SCI)

[7]Jin SX, Zhang XL, Guo XP, Nie YC. Transformaton of Upland cotton with gfp gene as a visual marker. Biologia Plantarum, Accepted(SCI).

[8]Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang, et al, Identification of a novel elite genotype for in vitro culture and genetic transformation of cotton. Biologia Plantarum, 2006 50(4):519-524 .(SCI)

[9]Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang(2006) An efficient grafting system for transgenic plant recovery in cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.). Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 85(5): 181-185 .(SCI)

[10]Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang (2005) Factors affecting stable transformation and plant regeneration during transforming embryogenic callus of Upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) via Agrobacterium tumefaciens, Plant Cell, Tissue and Organ Culture, 81(2): 229-237 .(SCI)

[11]Shuangxia Jin, Xianlong Zhang (2005) Function Analysis of PromoterTrapping System after Inserting Cotton (Gossypium hirsutum L.) Genome. J GENET GENOMICS (Acta Genetica Sinca), 32(12):1266-1274.

[12] Xianlong Zhang and Shuangxia Jin (2007) Transgenic Cotton: An Overview(invited review). Transgenic Plant Journal, 2007, 1(1), 150-162.

[13] Fang Ding, Shuangxia Jin, Ni Hong, Yun Zhong, Qing Cao, Ganjun Yi and Guoping Wang. 2008. Vitrification–cryopreservation, an efficient method for eliminating Candidatus Liberobacter asiaticus, the citrus Huanglongbing pathogen, from in vitro adult shoot tips. Plant Cell Reports,27(2),241-250 (SCI)

[14] Sun Y Q, Zhang X L, Jin S X. Production and characterization of somatic hybrids between upland cotton (Gossypium hirsutum) and wild cotton (G. klotzschianum Anderss) via electrofusion. Theor Appl Genet, 2004, 109: 472-479 (SCI)

[15] Sun Y Q, Zhang X L, Jin S X Somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration in wild cotton (Gossypium klotzschianum Anderss). Plant Cell Tissure Organ Cult, 2003, 75: 247-253 (SCI)

[16] Wu J H, Zhang X L, Jin S X.Factors affecting somatic embryogenesis and plant regeneration from a range of recalcitrant genetypes of Chinese cotton.In vitro Cell Dev Biol-Plant, 2004, 40: 371-375 (SCI)

[17] GUO X, JIN S, ZHANG X(2007)Agrobacterium-mediated transformation of Cry1C, Cry2A and Cry9C genes into Gossypium hirsutum and plant regeneration. Biologia Plantarum, 51(2): 242-248 (SCI)

[18] Xiyan Yang, Xianlong Zhang, Shuangxia Jin, Lili Fu, Linggang Wang Production and characterization of asymmetric hybrids between upland cotton Coker201 (Gossypium hirsutum) and wild cotton (Gossypium klozschianum Anderss),Plant Cell Tissure Organ Cult, 2007, 89:225–235 (SCI)

[19] Yang X, Guo X, Zhang X, Nie Y and Jin S. Plant regeneration from Gossypium davidsonii protoplasts via somatic embryogenesis. BIOLOGIA PLANTARUM, 51 (3): 533-537, 2007 (SCI)

[20] Xianlong Zhang,Shuangxia Jin, Diqiu Liu, Zhongxu Lin, Fanchang Zeng, Longfu Zhu, Lili Tu, Xiaoping Guo. Cotton Biotechnology: Challenge the Future for Cotton Improvement, In: Biotechnology in Crop Improvement, GP Rao (ed.), Studium Press, LLC, Houstan, Texas, USA. Pp. 241-301

[21] Lili Tu, Xianlong Zhang, Diqiu Liu, Shuangxia Jin, Jinglin Cao, Longfu Zhu, Fenglin Deng, Jiafu Tan, Cunbin Zhang, 2007, Suitable internal control genes for qRT-PCR normalization in cotton fiber development and somatic embryogenesis, Chinese Science Bulletin 52: 3110-3117 (SCI)

[22] 周小凤,金双侠,李保成,余渝,宁新柱,王旭文 .初步研究不同激素对海岛棉体细胞胚胎发生的影响.中国农学通报2009,25(11):78-83

[23]朱华国, 涂礼莉, 金双侠, 徐理, 谭家福, 邓锋林, 张献龙.棉花细胞初始脱分化的基因差异表达分析.科学通报, 2008,53 (20),2483-492 (SCI)

[24] 曹景林 张献龙 金双侠 杨细燕 朱华国 付莉莉.棉花高效体细胞胚发生及同步控制培养体系研究.作物学报,2008, 34(2): 224−231


[26] 谢德意,金双侠,郭小平,张献龙.棉花ipt基因遗传转化效率及优化成苗技术研究,作物学报,2007,33(5)

[27] 金双侠, 韩杰,刘小云,刘冠泽,王一娴,唐文鑫,张献龙.SDS-蛋白酶法分离棉花cpDNA及psbA基因启动子、终止子克隆.分子植物育种,2007,5, 683-689.

[28] 周小凤,张碧瑶,刘冠泽,高巍,余渝,邓福军,李保成,孔宪辉,张献龙, 金双侠*.新疆棉花高体细胞胚胎发生能力基因型的筛选,分子植物育种, 2007,6, 1-8(通讯作者).

[28] 张献龙,孙玉强,吴家和,金双侠,聂以春,郭小平,2004,棉花细胞工程及新种质创造,棉花学报,16(6):368-373

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