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复试英语 | 短文翻译-管理类

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2022-08-27 11:34:23  |  关键词: 考研复试 复试英语


复试英语 | 短文翻译-管理类


5.管理类 Internet

With the rapid development and popularization of Internet technology, internet service has been more and more involved in people’s daily lives, and greatly changed people’s lifestyles and consumption habits. E-commerce can break the limit of geographical location and time, and it brings great opportunities and convenience to both companies and consumers. Online shopping has been gradually accepted by consumers and developed rapidly.

In recent years, with the development of China’s economy and acceleration of urbanization process, residents of 3-tier and 4-tier cities and rural areas had a higher consumption level and stronger purchasing power, hence there is a huge market potential in these areas, and all e-commerce companies are trying their best to increase their market share in these areas. Developing rural e-commerce would not only help to expand rural Consumers’ market and bring agricultural products into cities, but also provide great opportunities for employment and start-ups. Besides, it will do good to the economic transformation and upgrading in rural areas, transformation of national economic growth, and improvement of living standards of rural residents.

Object of this study is Jingdong Group, and its development strategy in the rural ecommerce market is discussed. First, this paper researched the history of Chinese ecommerce market and the current status of e-commerce in rural areas, and conducted a PEST analysis to analyze the external factors related to rural e-commerce market, and then the opportunities and threats facing Jingdong were identified. Second, this paper analyzed Jingdong’s internal factors including company resources and company capabilities to summarize the strengths and weaknesses of Jingdong on rural ecommerce, and then constructed Jingdong’s internal factors evaluation matrix, and identified Jingdong’s core competitiveness of developing rural e-comnerce. Third, thispaper conducted a SWOT analysis to identify Jingdong’s strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats on rural e-commerce. Based on above analyses, this paper suggests that Jingdong should adopt reinforcement strategies including market development strategy, market penetrating strategy, product development strategy, related diversification strategy, competitive strategy and so on. In the end, according to the selected strategies, the necessary support measures were identified to ensure the smooth implementation of the strategies.



本文以京东集团为研究对象,研究分析其在农村电子商务市场的发展战略。首先,调研并了解我国电子商务的发展历史与农村电商的发展情况,并分析农村电商发展的外部环境,通过对政治环境、经济环境、社会环境和技术环境的分析,得出京东发展农村电商面临的机会与威胁。其次,分析京东内部环境,包括企业资源分析、企业能力分析,总结出京东农村电商发展的优势与劣势,并形成京东内部因素评价矩阵,明确京东发展农村电商的核心竞争力。再次,通过 SWOT 模型分析,总结出京东农村电商发展的优势、劣势、机会、威胁,在分析结果的基础上确定京东农村电商应采取加强型战略,包括市场开发战略、市场渗透战略、产品开发战略、相关多元化战略、竞争战略等。最后,基于选择的战略明确京东顺利实施加强型战略时应采取的保障措施。

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