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复试英语 | 短文翻译-医学类

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2022-08-27 11:24:36  |  关键词: 考研复试 复试英语


复试英语 | 短文翻译-医学类



Philosophy relates to the knowledge of world outlook and methodology. The reason why Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic) applies the essence qi, yin and yang, the five elements, and even the philosophical concept of “spirit” expressed by these basic core knowledges, to construct its own knowledge system of life science is that, on the one hand, the system, is originated from its relevant knowledge about revealing the nature of human life and serving human health, which can’t be separated from these philosophical concepts. On the other hand, the reason is that this philosophical knowledge is originally the indispensable standpoints and cultural matrix in Huang Di Nei Jing (Yellow Emperor’s Internal Classic), to explain the nature of life and to solve the health-related problems. Therefore, philosophical concepts such as essence qi, yin and yang, five elements, and immortal doctrine, are not only the standpoints and methods to explore the nature of human life and to solve the health-related problem, but also closely integrated with the knowledge of life science they construct inevitably. which makes them possess the characteristics and nature of “philosophy-medicine integration”. Nowadays, if people want to thoroughly study the ideology and apply them to solve the related problems in clinical practice, they must regard these concepts as the necessary paths. Inner Canon of Huangdi (Neijing for short) is the basement of TCM theory. This article summarized contemporary studies of Neijing academic thought system and attempting to know the future of TCM theory. Those studies indicated that the research on Neijing thought is gradually breaking away from traditional methods which only classified and edited the content of Neijing after 1950s, and using the language of modern disciplines to build the theory system of Neiing,which breaking away from the language of Yin and Yang and the Five Elements or Qi transformation. This tendency of language changing enlightened us that TCM theory whose language is based on ancient language should be incorporated into the language framework of modern subjects so that we could use it better today.

哲学是有关世界观和方法论的学问,《黄帝内经》之所以要运用精气、阴阳、五行,乃至以此为基本知识内核所表达的“神”这样的哲学理念来建构自己的生命科学知识体系,一方面是缘于其有关揭示人类生命本质,服务健康的相关知识与这些哲学理念相伴共生之故;另一方面的原因则是这些哲学知识,原本就是《黄帝内经》阐述生命本质,解决与健康相关问题所必须具备的立场和文化基质。所以,精气、阴阳、五行、神论等哲学观念,不但是其探寻人类生命本质,解决与健康有关问题的立场和方法,而且也就必然与其构建的生命科学知识紧密地融为一体,就使其具备了“哲医相融”的特质和本性。今人想要透彻地研读其中的意理,并将其应用于解决临床实践中的相关问题,务必要以此为必须的门径。黄帝内经(简称内经)是中医理论的基础。本文总结了当代对内经学术思想体系的研究,试图了解中医理论的未来。这些研究表明,对内经思想的研究正在逐步脱离传统方法,这种方法仅对 20 世纪 50年代以后内经的内容进行了分类和编辑,并利用现代学科的语言建立了内经的理论体系,脱离了语境。阴阳五行或气化。这种语言变化的趋势使我们认识到,语言基于古代语言的中医理论应该被纳入现代学科的语言框架中,以便我们今天能够更好地运用它。



Surgical site infection is one of the common postoperative complications of thoracic surgery, and its harm is related to infection degree and location. Light causes local pain, prolonged hospitalization and increased cost. Severe infection can lead to severe infection, even septic shock and life-threatening. Therefore, proper treatment of incision infection can help to promote recovery, reduce the burden of disease and lay a good foundation for further treatment. The traditional surgical treatment of wound infection includes thorough drainage, intensive dressing change and antibiotic use. There are many shortcomings such as long treatment process, ineffective treatment effect and so on. The experience of using vacuum sealing drainage (VSD) in 6 cases of postoperative infection patients in our department is summarized in order to improve the traditional treatment of postoperative infection in patients after thoracic surgery. 


The clinical data of patients with postoperative incision infection or fistula after thoracic surgery in our department were reviewed and summarized. 6 patients treated with VSD material for postoperative infection. The process and final clinical results of them were summarized and discussed.


In this study, fever and wound exudation disappeared within 6h-10h after VSD use, 5 cases of wound infection were obviously improved, the secretion disappeared and the granulation tissue grew well at the cutting edge of the operation, the second stage operation was performed to close the chest and skin. One patient was seriously infected, and the secretion was still more after VSD removal, reposition VSD device next time, the VSD device was removed 7d later. The wound infection were obviously improved, the secretion disappeared and the granulation tissue grew well, close the chest and skin second stage. In all 6 patients, the symptoms were relieved, the symptoms improved and the surgical incision healed well. In 2 patients with esophageal cancer, the average operation time was 427.5 min, the average hospitalization time was 40d, the average number of times of dressing change was 8.5, the average total cost during hospitalization was 111,893.47-yuan patients with chronic empyema, the average operation time was 192.5 min. The average hospital stay was 27.75 days, the average number of times of dressing change was 5.5, and the average total expenditure during hospitalization was 48,237.71 yuan.


手术切口感染是胸外科术后常见并发症之一,其危害与感染程度、部位等相关,轻者致局部疼痛、住院时间延长、费用增加,重者可导致严重感染,甚至感染性休克、危及生命。因此,妥善处理切口感染,有利于促进恢复、降低疾病负担、奠定进一步治疗良好基础。切口感染传统外科处理措施包括彻底引流、加强换药、使用抗生素等,存在治疗过程长、治疗效果不确切等不足。本研究对我科 6 例胸部手术术后发生感染患者尝试性使用负压封闭引流装置(vacuum sealing drainage,VSD)的经验进行总结,以期改进传统应对患者胸部手术术后感染的处理模式。


对我院近一年来出现胸部手术术后切口感染或手术切口瘘的患者相关临床数据进行回顾和总结,选择了其中 6 例使用 VSD 材料治疗术后感染的患者,对其使用 VSD 处理的过程和最终临床结果进行总结讨论。


本研究中所有患者在使用 VSD 后 6 h-10h 内发热、伤口渗出症状消失。7 天-10 天后拔除引流装置,5 例患者创面感染情况明显改善,伤口分泌物消失,手术切缘肉芽组织生长良好,二期手术关闭胸腔和皮肤。1 例患者感染严重,去除 VSD 后分泌物仍较多,效果不明显,再次放置 VSD 装置,7 天后去除 VSD 装置,患者手术切口无渗出,肉芽组织生长良好,二期手术关闭胸腔和皮肤。所有 6 例患最终感染症状缓解,症状改善,手术切口愈合良好出院。2 例食管癌患者中,平均手术时间 427. 5 min,术后平均住院天数 40 天,术后平均换药次数 8.5 次,住院期间平均总花费 11, 893. 47 元;;4 例慢性脓胸患者中,平均手术时间 192. 5min,术后平均住院天数 27. 75 天,术后平均换药次数 5.5 次,住院期间平均总花费 48, 237. 71 元。

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