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2024年考研英语二真题及答案解析:阅读二 英语二14年阅读题答案

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2023-12-25 14:05:57  |  关键词: 2024年考研 英语真题


2024年考研英语二真题及答案解析:阅读二 英语二14年阅读题答案





Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 2

26. It can be learned from Paragraph 1 that the UK needs to ______.

A. increase its domestic wood supply

B reduce its demand for timber

C. lower its wood productive costs

D. lift its control on timber imports

【26】A. increase its domestic wood supply 解析:该题为细节题,题干问第一段提到英国需要做什么。由关键词the UK可定位到第一段第二句The forestry and wood trade body has called for urgent action to reduce the countrys reliance on timber imports and provide a stable supply of wood for future generations.该句提到英国需要迫切地降低对于木材进口的依赖以及为后代提供可靠的木材供应,即英国应该提升本国木材的供应量,故A项正确。

27. According to Confor, the UK governments fresh incentives ______.

A. can hardly address a construction crisis

B. are believed to come at a wrong time

C. seem to be misleading for landowners

D. will be too costly to put into practice

【27】A. can hardly address a construction crisis 解析:该题为细节题,题干问Confor如何看待认为英国新的激励措施。由关键词Confor以及UK governments fresh incentives可定位到第三段...the trade body says these dont go far enough and fail to promote the benefits of planting them to boost timber supplies.以及第四段第一句Not only are we facing a carbon crisis now, but we will also be facing a future construction crisis because of a failure to plant trees to produce wood, said Stuart Goodall, chief executive of Confor.这两句提到这些举措还不到位而且无法促进种树提升木材供应的好处,而且这种情况不仅导致了碳危机,还导致了建筑危机无法得到解决,故A项正确。

28. The UKs exposure to fluctuating wood prices is a result of ______.

A. the governments inaction on timber imports

B. inadequate investment in growing wood

C. the competition among timber traders at home

D. wood producers motive to maximise profits

【28】B. inadequate investment in growing wood 解析:该题为细节题,题干问英国面对木材价格波动的原因是什么。由关键词UKs exposure和fluctuating wood prices可定位到第四段第二句For decades we have not taken responsibility for investing in our domestic wood supply, leaving us exposed to fluctuating prices and fighting for future supplies of wood as global demand rises and our own supplies fall.该句提到多年以来,我们没有对于投资更多的国内木材供应负责任,这导致我们面对着木材价格波动的问题,故B项正确。

29. Which of the following causes the shortage of wood supply in the UK?

A. Excessive timber consumption in construction

B. Unfavorable conditions for growing wood.

C. Outdated technologies of the wood industry.

D. Farmers unwillingness to plant tree.

【29】D. Farmers unwillingness to plant tree. 解析:该题为细节题,题干问导致英国木材短缺的原因是什么。由关键词the shortage of wood supply和in the UK可定位到第六段第二句It also encompasses significant hesitation on behalf of farmers and other landowners to invest in longer term planting projects.该句提到它(英国目前的境况,即木材短缺)代表农民和其他土地所有者对投资长期种植项目的重大犹豫,即农民在种树方面不情愿。hesitation对应unwillingness,故D项正确。

30. What does Goodall think the UK government should do?

A. Subsidize the building of low-carbon homes.

B. Pay greater attention to boosting rural economies.

C. Provide more support for productive tree planting

D. Five priority to pursuing its net-zero strategy.

【30】C. Provide more support for productive tree planting 解析:该题为细节题,题干问Goodall认为英国应该怎样做。由关键词Goodall和UK government可定位到最后一段While the UK government has stated its ambition for more tree planting, there has been little action on the ground. Confor is now calling for much greater impetus behind those aspirations to ensure we have enough wood to meet increasing demand.该段提到虽然英国政府阐明了种植更多树木的决心,但是一直没有采取行动,对此,Confor呼吁政府在这些决心的背后能够提供更多的动力以确保木材能够得到持续供应,故C项正确。



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