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2024考研英语一真题答案及解析:阅读一 2022考研英语一阅读

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2023-12-25 12:03:44  |  关键词: 2024考研 英语真题


2024考研英语一真题答案及解析:阅读一 2022考研英语一阅读





Section Ⅱ Reading Comprehension

Part A

Text 1

21. The Romans buried the nails probably for the sake of

A. saving them for future use.

B. keeping them from rusting.

C. letting them grow in value.

D. hiding them from the locals.

【21】D. hiding them from the locals 解析: 该题为细节题,问罗马人埋藏这些钉子是为了什么?题干可定位Why had the Romans buried a million nails? 答案是在它的下一句they didnt want the local Caledonians getting their hands on 10 tons of weapon-grade iron他们不想让当地的喀里多尼亚人得到十吨武器级的铁,所以它的答案是不让当地人获得它们。

22. The example of early 17th century Virginians is used to

A. highlight the thriftiness of early American colonists.

B. illustrate the high status of blacksmiths in that period.

C. contrast the attitudes of different civilisations towards nails.

D. show the preciousness of nail-making technology at that time.

【22】D. show the preciousness of nail-making technology at that time.解析: 该题为例证题,问17世纪早期弗吉尼亚人的例子用来干什么?答案需寻找它的论点,定位于Later civilisations would value the skilled blacksmiths labour in a nail even more than the raw material.后来的文明更加重视熟练的铁匠在钉子上的劳动,而不是原材料,所以它的答案同义替换句show the preciousness of nail-making technology at that time当时制造钉子的技术珍贵。

23. What played the major role in lowing the price of nails after the late 1700s?

A. Increased productivity.

B. Wider use of new energies.

C. Fiercer market competition.

D. Reduced cost of raw materials.

【23】A. Increased productivity. 解析: 该题为细节题,问18世纪末之后,什么在降低钉子价格方面发挥了主要作用? 题干可定位于The price of nails fell by 90%,答案在其下一句,尽管钉子价格下跌的部分原因是由于更便宜的铁和更便宜的能源,但大部分功劳都归功于钉子制造商,他们只是找到了更有效的方法将钢铁变成钉子,所以是提高的效率为正确答案。

24. It can be learned from Paragraph 5 that nails

A. have undergone many technological improvements.

B. have remained basically all the same since Roman times.

C. are less studied than other everyday products.

D. are one of the worlds most significant inventions.

【24】B. have remained basically all the same since Roman times. 解析: 该题为推理细节题,问从第五段能推测出钉子怎么了?文中Nails themselves have changed over the years, but Sichel studied them because they havent changed much. , but Roman nails are still clearly nails. 提到钉子没有发生变化,所以答案为自罗马时代以来基本保持不变。

25. Which of the following best summaries the last two paragraphs?

A. Cheap technologies bring about revolutionary change.

B. Technological innovation is integral to economic success.

C. Technology defines peoples understanding of the world.

D. Sophisticated technologies develop from small inventions.

【25】A. Cheap technologies bring about revolutionary change. 解析: 该题为推理题,问从最后两段中能推测出什么?此题需要找到概括出两段的重点,根据重点句its the cheap technologies that change the world便宜的技术改变世界 以及最后一段重点句中都有提到价格降低导致发展的内容,所以答案为廉价的技术带来革命性的变化。



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