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2023年天津商业大学翻译硕士考研试题(翻译硕士英语) 天津商业大学翻译硕士报录比

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2023-11-20 12:06:59  |  关键词: 2023考研试题 天津商业大学


2023年天津商业大学翻译硕士考研试题(翻译硕士英语) 天津商业大学翻译硕士报录比

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各位要考研的同学们可以看过来,还有一个多月的时间就要到2024考研初试了,在备考中, 相信各位考生都坚持做题和模拟考试,检测自己的知识掌握情况以及巩固常出现的知识,下面小编给大家整理了一份2023年天津商业大学翻译硕士考研试题(翻译硕士英语),供各位考生参考。


专 业: 英语笔译

科目名称: 翻译硕士英语 (211)


I. Vocabulary and grammar

Choose the one best answer from A B C D to complete each of the following sentences. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (25 points).

1. Pop idol Wang Yuan, 21, encouraged young people to try to make breakthroughs and ______ the diversity of life.

A. eliminate B. incorporate C. possess D. embrace

2. She is frequently distracted from her work by the birds ______, and takes numerous photos of them against the backdrop of the gate.

A. ridicule B. chirping C. grinning D. crying

3. Such measures have allowed the ______ of cross-provincial tours in many regions, increasing the desire to travel.

A. resumption B. intercept C. reconstruction D.interference

4. They fly northwest to Mongolia, then west over Xinjiang Uygur autonomous region, the Junggar Basin -a large ______area in northwestern China-and then enter Central Asia.

A. complementary B. metalliferous C. ascending D.sedimentary

5. Exercising with a friend requires commitment and ______, Andre Bates, of Barrys Bootcamp, which holds group exercise classes across the UK, says.

A. contentment B. complexion C. accountability D. compunction

6. In late June, a study published in the international journal Movement Ecology showed the migration routes and preferred habitats of ______ birds for the first time.

A. contemporary B. controversy C. migratory D. imaginary

7. The draft ______ was submitted to the ongoing session of the Standing Committee of the National Peoples Congress, Chinas top legislature, for initial review on Thursday.

A. amendment B. complement C. commitment D. impairment

8. The______ approved the secretary, deputy secretaries and members of the Standing Committee of the Central Commission for Discipline Inspection of the CPC elected at the first plenary session of the 20th CCDI.

A. conference B. congress C. plenum D. correspondence

9. According to Song, the core of ______ lies in high-quality development, innovation and integration, with integration being of vital importance.

A. verifiability B. capability C. reliability D. sustainability

10. The 22nd PIP Festival kicked off on Sept 19 in the UNESCO world cultural ______site known for its well-preserved ancient architecture.

A. default B. heritage C. variation D. accusation

11. The signature at the bottom was totally ______ and I cant make out what it is.

A. illegible B. genuine C. implicit D. inventive

12. In addition to channeling job information to the labor force, the government has also carried out actions to protect peoples working rights by improving the labor ______system and regulating illegal behaviors such as discrimination and defaulting on salaries.

A. assistance B. modification C. judgement D. arbitration

13. The inhabitants in the deep mountains were ______to find that the quake had completely destroyed the roads towards the outside world.

A. prompted B. prejudiced C. dismayed D. questioned

14. Colorful leaves in autumn have decorated Yuanming Mountain in Haigang ______of Qinhuangdao, Hebei province, attracting tourists in droves to enjoy the picturesque landscape.

A. zone B. area C. district D. region

15. The report to the 20th National Congress of the Communist Party of China presents a broad, ambitious and hopeful ______for China.

A. imperceptibility B. speculation C. agenda D. agency

16. ______before we leave the day after tomorrow, we should sign the contract of 50 million pounds.

A. Had they arrived B. Would they arrive

C. Were they arriving D. Were they to arrive

17. After having suffered from online bullying, Christina died of cardiopathy, lying in a shabby coffin with her face________.

A. being pale B. pale C. to be pale D. having been pale

18. ______ the family is undergoing fundamental change is generally accepted, but this does not necessarily mean that research and action designed to understand and improve relationships in families lack merit.

A. What B. Because C. That D. Whether

19. The Russian defense ministry said it _____ written guarantees from Kyiv not to use the Black Sea grain corridor for military operations against Russia.

A. had received B. would have received C. received D. were to receive

20. With all the different CRM software companies ______ a wide variety of features and prices, it can be challenging to narrow down your search and decide which CRM software is best for your business.

A. offered B. offering C. having offered D. are offering

21. Maria claimed that she didnt need the marten fur coat, ___________, and that was not to say she had the intention of protecting wild animals.

A. nor could she afford it B. and nor could she afford it

C. neither could afford D. and she could neither afford it

22. Go down the road _______ you find a space free, said the camper.

A. when B. before C. as soon as D. until

23. Prestigious_____he is all across the world, President Xi Jinping, with a modest and amiable attitude, holds a welcoming ceremony for visiting Tanzanian President Samia Suluhu Hassan at the Great Hall of the People in Beijing on Thursday.

A. but B. when C. like D. as

24. ______ conventional black ink costs newspapers about thirty cents a pound, most rub resistant inks add at least ten cents more per pound to the bill.

A. Meanwhile B. Moreover C. Furthermore D. While

25. _____ the major contradiction is grasped, all problems will be readily solved.

A. That B. What C. Whether D. Once

II. Cloze

In this section, there is a passage with 15 blanks. You are required to select out one word for each blank from the 20 choices given in a word bank. You may not use any of the words in the bank more than once. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (15 points).

A. minority; B. racism; C. financing; D. unremitting;

E. Chinatown; F. 25-cents; G. hyphenated; H. advocate;

I. breadth; J. majority; K. obstacles; L. 25-cent;

M. reinforces; N. finance; O. hyphenating; P. leading;

Q. stereotype; R. opponent; S. momentous; T. spanned

An undated proof image shows the likeness of Asian American actress Anna May Wong, to be cast on the fifth 1 coin in the American Women Quarters (AWQ) Program to be issued by the US Mint. The news of Chinese American actress Anna May Wong becoming the first Asian American to appear on US currency has been met with excitement and hope from the Asian American community.

The US Mint began shipping quarters featuring Wong for circulation on Monday.

Anna May Wong was a descendent of Chinese immigrants who was born and grew up in the US in the early 20th century. Her 2 pursuit of ideals and hard work, as well as her unwavering belief enabled her to win achievements and recognition in the film and television industry, Cai Chenghua, president of the All- American Chinese Association, said.

Anna May Wong was born Wong Liu Tsong on Jan 3, 1905, in Los Angeles. She is considered the first Chinese American movie star in Hollywood. Despite having a substantial acting career that 3 silent film, sound film, television, radio and theater, Wong had to constantly battle the brazen 4 that dominated Hollywood in her time.

In announcing the decision to depict Wongs image on the quarter, the US Mint said Wong was chosen for being a courageous 5 who championed for increased representation and more multi-dimensional roles for Asian American actors .

This quarter is designed to reflect the 6 and depth of accomplishments by Anna May Wong, who overcame challenges and 7 she faced during her lifetime, Mint Director Ventris Gibson said in a statement on Oct 17.

Wong is one of five women being honored in the American Women Quarters Program, which seeks to highlight the accomplishments and contributions of American women. The other four honorees are: writer Maya Angelou; Sally Ride, an educator and the first American woman in space; Wilma Mankiller, the first woman elected principal chief ofthe Cherokee Nation; and Nina Otero-Warren, a key figure in New Mexicos womens suffrage movement.

As a 8 woman, Wong fought bravely against the odds in life, Cai said. He also commended Wongs solidarity with the Chinese, noting that she had deep feelings for China as a descendant of Chinese

immigrants. Wong donated her jewelry collection to help 9 the Chinese effort during the Chinese Peoples War of Resistance against Japanese Aggression, he said.

We hope that more Wong Liu Tsongs will emerge in the US, who, while achieving success in their career, also care deeply about their hometown and contribute to the society, Cai said.

Wong was born to second-generation Taishanese Chinese American parents in Los Angeles, just one block north of 10. She fell in love with films and acting at a young age. At age 17, Wong got her first 11 role in The Toll of the Sea. However, despite her talents as an actress, Wong was often offered supporting roles of stereotypical Asian characters in films, such as an exotic slave girl or a dragon lady, a 12 depicting Asian women as strong, fierce and deceitful.

Throughout her career, Wong consistently pushed for greater representations of Asian American actors. Her hard work bore fruit. Wong was given the part of a prominent and sympathetic Chinese American doctor in The King of Chinatown in 1939. Her role in that film was considered a breakthrough for Wong and other Asian American actors. In 1960, Wong became the first Asian American actress to receive a star on the Hollywood Walk of Fame, about a year before she died of a heart attack at age 56.

Bing Chen, co-founder of Gold House, a nonprofit focused on elevating Asian Americans and Pacific Islanders to lead and succeed in culture and commerce, called the new quarter 13 and praised Wong as a star for generations in an interview with The Associated Press. However, Chen noted that anti-Asian hate incidents and lack of representation in the media persist now.

In a slate of years when Asian women have faced extensive challenges from being attacked to objectified on screen to being the least likely group to be promoted to corporate management this currency 14 what many of us have known all along: (theyre) here and worthy, Chen said in a statement to The Associated Press.

Its impossible to forget, though, as a 15 community, that Asian Americans constantly struggle between being successful and being seen, he added.

III. Reading comprehension

Two sections are included in this part. Section A consists of some multiple-choice questions and Section B consists of some short answer questions. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET (30 points).

Section A Multiple Choice Questions

In this section there are three passages followed by thirteen multiple-choice questions. For each multiple choice question, there are four suggested answers marked A, B, C and D. Choose the one that you think is the best answer.

Passage 1

The most important question in 21st-century economics may well be what to do with all the superfluous people. What will conscious humans do, once we have highly intelligent non-conscious algorithms(算法) that can do almost everything better?

Throughout history the job market was divided into three main sectors: agriculture, industry and services. Until about 1800, the vast majority of people worked in agriculture, and only a small minority worked in industry and services. During the Industrial Revolution people in developed countries left the fields and herds. Most began working in industry, but growing numbers also took up jobs in the services sector. In recent

decades developed countries underwent another revolution, as industrial jobs vanished, whereas the services sector expanded. In 2010 only 2 percent ofAmericans worked in agriculture, 20 percent worked in industry, 78 percent worked as teachers, doctors, webpage designers and so forth. When mindless algorithms are able to teach, diagnose and design better than humans, what will we do?

This is not an entirely new question. Ever since the Industrial Revolution erupted, people feared that mechanisation might cause mass unemployment. This never happened, because as old professions became obsolete, new professions evolved, and there was always something humans could do better than machines. Yet this is not a law of nature, and nothing guarantees it will continue to be like that in the future. Humans have two basic types of abilities: physical abilities and cognitive abilities. As long as machines competed with us merely in physical abilities, you could always find cognitive tasks that humans do better. So machines took over purely manual jobs, while humans focused on jobs requiring at least some cognitive skills. Yet what will happen once algorithms outperform us in remembering, analysing and recognising patterns?

The idea that humans will always have a unique ability beyond the reach of non-conscious algorithms is just wishful thinking. The current scientific answer to this pipe dream can be summarised in three simple principles:

1. Organisms are algorithms. Every animal including Homo sapiens is an assemblage of organic algorithms shaped by natural selection over millions of years of evolution.

2. Algorithmic calculations are not affected by the materials from which you build the calculator. Whether you build an abacus from wood, iron or plastic, two beads plus two beads equals four beads.

3. Hence there is no reason to think that organic algorithms can do things that non-organic algorithms will never be able to replicate or surpass. As long as the calculations remain valid, what does it matter whether the algorithms are manifested in carbon or silicon?

True, at present there are numerous things that organic algorithms do better than non-organic ones, and experts have repeatedly declared that something will forever remain beyond the reach of non-organic algorithms. But it turns out that forever often means no more than a decade or two. Until a short time ago, facial recognition was a favourite example of something which even babies accomplish easily but which escaped even the most powerful computers on earth. Today facial-recognition programs are able to recognise people far more efficiently and quickly than humans can.

In the 1980s when people discussed the unique nature ofhumanity, they habitually used chess as primary proof of human superiority. They believed that computers would never beat humans at chess. On 10 February 1996, IBMs Deep Blue defeated world chess champion Garry Kasparov, laying to rest that particular claim for human pre-eminence. In February 2015 a program developed by Google DeepMind learned by itself how to play forty-nine classic Atari games.

In the nineteenth century the Industrial Revolution created a huge new class of urban proletariats. In the twenty-first century we might witness the creation of a new massive class: people devoid of any economic, political or even artistic value, who contribute nothing to the prosperity, power and glory of society.

In September 2013 two Oxford researchers, Carl Benedikt Frey and Michael A. Osborne, published The Future of Employment, in which they surveyed the likelihood of different professions being taken over by computer algorithms within the next twenty years. The algorithm developed by Frey and Osborne to do the calculations estimated that 47 percent of US jobs are at high risk. For example, there is a 99 percent probability that by 2033 human telemarketers and insurance underwriters will lose their jobs to algorithms.



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