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2023年考研英语二真题及答案解析【完整版】 2023年考研英语二真题及答案解析(精细版)

来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2023-01-29 17:14:02  |  关键词: 2019年考研英语二真题及答案解析(精细版)




Section I Use of English


  Read the following text. Choose the best word (s) for each numbered blank and mark A, B, C or D on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

  Weighing yourself regularly is a wonderful way to stay aware of any significant weight fluctuations. 1 , when done too often, this habit can sometimes hurt more than it 2 .

  As for me, weighing myself every day caused me to shift my focus from being generally healthy and physically active to focusing 3 on the scale. That was had to my overall fitness goats. I had gained weight in the form of muscle mass, but thinking only of 4 the number on the scale, I altered my training program. That conflicted with how I needed to train to 5 my goals.

  I also found that weighing myself daily did not provide an accurate 6 of the hard work and progress I was making in the gym. It takes about three weeks to a month to notice any significant changes in your weight 7 altering your training program. The most 8 changes will be observed in skill level, strength and inches lost.

  For these 9 , I stopped weighing myself every day and switched to a bimonthly weighing schedule 10 . Since weight loss is not my goal, it is less important for me to 11 my weight each week. Weighing every other week allows me to observe and 12 any significant weight changes. That tells me whether I need to 13 my training program.

  I use my bimonthly weigh-in 14 to get information about my nutrition as well. If my training intensity remains the same, but I’m constantly 15 and dropping weight, this is a 16 that I need to increase my daily caloric intake.

  The 17 to stop weighing myself every day has done wonders for my overall health, fitness and well-being. I’m experiencing increased zeal for working out since I no longer carry the burden of a 18 morning weigh-in. I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals, 19 I’m training according to those goals, not the numbers on a scale.

  Rather than 20 over the scale, turn your focus to how you look, feel how your clothes fit and your overall energy level.

  1.[A]Besides [B]Therefore [C]Otherwise [D]However

  【答案】[C] However

  【解析】此处考察逻辑关系。首段提出文章中心:定期称量自己是一种解任何显著的的体重波动的好方法。空格所在句指出:____,如果太频繁,这种习惯有时会造成损害。前文wonderful way(好方法)与后文hurt(损害)形成转折关系,故填入however(然而)。另外,however也是考研完形填空中的高频词。其他选项:therefore(因此),otherwise(否则)和besides(此外)此处不符合语境,故正确答案为[C] However。

  2.[A]helps [B]cares [C]warns [D]reduces

  【答案】[D] helps

  【解析】此处考察反义复现。空格所在句指出:this habit can sometimes hurt more than it ____(这种习惯的坏处要比____多),应该是help(有帮助,有好处),与前文hurt(损害)形成反义复现。其他选项:Cares(关心),warns(警告),reduces(减少,致使)均不能与hurt形成呼应,故正确答案为[D] helps。

  3.[A]initially [B]solely [C]occasionally [D]formally

  【答案】[A] solely

  【解析】此处考察同义复现+词义辨析。空格所在句指出:至于我,每天称自己的重量让我把注意力从保持健康和好动转移到____专注于体重秤。填入solely(仅仅)语义通顺。另外本句focusing solely on the scale中的solely(仅仅)与本段后文thinking only of ____ the number on the scale的only形成了同义复现。故正确答案为[A] solely。

  4.[A]recording [B] lowering [C]explaining [D]accepting

  【答案】[A] lowering

  【解析】此处考察词义辨析+反义复现。空格所在句指出:我曾经以增加肌肉含量而增重,但后来只考虑____体重的数量,我改变了我的训练方案。填入lowering(减少)语义通顺。另外,该句中间有but,说明前后为转接。lower与前文gain weight(增重)形成反义复现,其他选项:explaining(解释),accepting(接受),recording(记录)均不符合文意。故正确答案为[A] lowering。

  【答案】[C] reach

  【解析】此处考察成分搭配和语义理解。空格所在句指出:这与我需要训练以____目标的方式相冲突。此处填入reach(达到)与goal(目标)形成动宾搭配,且语义通顺,表达连贯。其他选项:set(设定),modify(修改)虽然可以与goal搭配,但文意不符;review(评论;温习)和goal不能形成搭配。故正确答案为[C] reach。

  6.[A]definition [B]depiction [C]distribution [D]prediction

  【答案】[A] depiction

  【解析】此处考察词义辨析。分析空格处所在句的句意:我还发现,每天称体重并不能为我在健身房所做的努力以及取得的进步,提供精确的____,空格处所需的名词需要使句子完整通顺。A选项depiction (描写,叙述)符合语义要求;B选项distribution(分布,分配),C选项prediction(预言,预测),D选项definition(定义)带入空格后,语义不通顺,均排除。故正确答案为A选项depiction。

  7.[A]due to [B]regardless of [C]aside from [D]along with

  【答案】[D] due to

  【解析】此处考察短语辨析。空格所在句的句意:需要大约三周到一个月的时间来发现体重的显著变化,_____改变了你的训练计划。空格处所填入的短语需要和前面句子构成因果的逻辑关系,只有D选项due to(由于)符合要求;A选项regardless of(不管,不顾),B选aside from(除…以外),C选项along with(与…一起,连同)带入后,语义不通顺。故正确答案为[D]due to。

  8.[A]orderly [B]rigid [C]precise [D]immediate

  【答案】[C] immediate


  9.[A]claims [B]judgments [C]reasons [D]methods

  【答案】[B] reasons

  【解析】此处考察固定搭配。for these reasons由于这些原因。空格所在句指出:由于这些原因(上文提到的原因),我停止每天称体重。只有B选项reasons(原因)符合要求;A选项judgments(判断),C选methods(方法,方式),D选项claims(要求,索赔)带入后,语义不通顺。故正确答案为[B]reasons。

  10.[A]instead [B]though [C]again [D]indeed

  【答案】[D] instead

  【解析】此处考察词义辨析以及上下文语境分析。空格所在句的前半部分指出:由于上述原因,我停止每天称体重。后半句话句意:而转而改用两个月称一次体重。switched to转而…与选项instead对应。D选项instead (代替,反而)符合语义要求;A选项though(虽然,尽管),B选项again(又,再一次),C选项indeed(的确,实在)带入空格后,语义不通顺,均排除。故正确答案为D选项instead。

  11.[A]track [B]overlook [C] conceal [D]report

  【答案】A. track

  【解析】空格所在句提到:Since weight loss is not my goal(因为减重不是我的目的),it is less important for me to ____my weight each week(对我来说,每周___我的体重不太重要)。空格处所填入的动词需要和后面的宾语my weight构成通顺的动宾语义搭配,除此之外,本文的主题是称重,因此需要观察、监测或跟踪体重的变化,因此只有A选项track符合语义与主题要求。

  12.[A]depend on [B]approve of [C]hold onto [D]account for

  【答案】C. account for

  【解析】空格所在句提到:Weighing every other week allows me to observe and _____any significant weight changes(每隔一周称次体重使我能够观察及____任何明显的体重变化),空格处所填入的动词需和后面的宾语weight changes构成通顺的动宾搭配;同时,该动词还和observe构成并列关系,并列的动词会存在动作先后发生的特点(先观察到体重变化,再来了解或解释体重变化的原因),因此只有C选项account for(解释,了解)更恰当。

  13.[A]share [B]adjust [C]confirm [D] prepare

  【答案】B. adjust

  【解析】空格所在处提到:That tells me whether I need to ____my training program(那告诉我,我是否需要____我的训练项目)。空格处所填动词需要和后面的宾语training program 构成顺畅的动宾语义关系;除此之外,that指代上文中“观察并了解体重变化”,因此此处应该表明,观察并了解体重变化能让我知道是否需要调整训练项目。因此B选项adjust符合要求。

  14.[A]results [B]features [C]rules [D]tests

  【答案】D. results

  【解析】空格处所在句提到:I use my bimonthly weigh-in____to get information about my nutrition as well(我根据两个月称重一次的___来获得关于我的营养方面的信息)。空格处所填名词需和bimonthly weigh-in构成顺畅的语义关系,空格处上文提到“两个月称重一次可以观察并了解任何明显的体重变化”,因此空格处应该表示“称重结果”,故D选项results为正确答案。

  15.[A]bored [B]anxious [C]hungry [D]sick

  【答案】B. hungry

  【解析】空格处提到:if……I am constantly____and dropping weight, this is a sign that I need to increase my daily caloric intake(如果……我持续___以及体重下降,那么这是一个标志表明我需要增加日常卡路里摄入),根据条件状从和主句的条件与结果的逻辑关系,空格处填入“hungry(饥饿)”更符合语义要求。

  16.[A]principle [B]secret [C]belief [D]sign

  【答案】[C] sign



  17.[A]request [B]necessity [C]decision [D]wish

  【答案】[B] decision


  【解析】空格后动词不定式结构“to stop weighing myself every day”作空格处名词的定语,“停止每天称体重这个_____”,根据语义,此处填decision“决定”最合理。

  18.[A]disappointing [B]surprising [C]restricting [D]consuming

  【答案】[D] disappointing


  【解析】此空在 of介词短语中,修饰名词“burden负担”,根据语义色彩,此处应该填贬义词,因此disappointing“令人失望的”最合理。

  19.[A]if because [B]unless [C]until [D]consuming

  【答案】[A] because


  【解析】根据选项特征看出本题考查句内逻辑关系,前半句话“I’ve also experienced greater success in achieving my specific fitness goals”(我也更成功地实现了健身目标),后半句“I’m training according to those goals, mot the numbers on scale.”(我根据那些目标来训练,而不是体重数字。)此处应为因果关系,所以正确选项为because。此外,本句话中的“also”表明与前一句话之间的关系,前一句话中的since也表示因果关系。

  20.[A]obsessing [B]dominating [C]puzzling [D]triumphing

  【答案】[D] obssessing


  【解析】根据选项特征,此空填入动词的现在分词,其逻辑主语为句子主语you,宾语为thescale,通过上文可知,作者对于“the scale”一直持否定态度,因此此空根据语义色彩排除dominating“统治”和triumphing“胜利”,而puzzling over 表示“仔细琢磨,冥思苦想”,与上下文语义不符。因此选obsessing“使困扰”。

  Section II Reading Comprehension

  Part A


  Read the following four texts. Answer the questions below each text by choosing A,B,C or D.Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(40 points)

  Text 1

  Unlike so-called basic emotions such as sadness, fear, and anger, guilt emerges a little later, in conjunction with a child’s growing grasp of social and moral norms. Children aren’t born knowing how to say “I’m sorry”; rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends—and their own consciences. This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt, in the right amount, to be a good thing.

  In the popular imagination, of course, guilt still gets a bad rap. It is deeply uncomfortable—it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones. Yet this understanding is outdated. “There has been a kind of revival or a rethinking about what guilt is and what role guilt can serve,” says Amrisha Vaish, a psychology researcher at the University of Virginia, adding that this revival is part of a larger recognition that emotions aren’t binary—feelings that may be advantageous in one context may be harmful in another. Jealousy and anger, for example, may have evolved to alert us to important inequalities. Too much happiness can be destructive.

  And guilt, by prompting us to think more deeply about our goodness, can encourage humans to make up for errors and fix relationships. Guilt, in other words, can help hold a cooperative species together. It is a kind of social glue.

  Viewed in this light, guilt is an opportunity. Work by Tina Malti, a psychology professor at the University of Toronto, suggests that guilt may compensate for an emotional deficiency. In a number of studies, Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing. Some kids who are low in sympathy may make up for that shortfall by experiencing more guilt, which can rein in their nastier impulses. And vice versa: High sympathy can substitute for low guilt.

  In a 2014 study, for example, Malti looked at 244 children. Using caregiver assessments and the children’s self-observations, she rated each child’s overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions. Then the kids were handed chocolate coins, and given a chance to share them with an anonymous child. For the low-sympathy kids, how much they shared appeared to turn on how inclined they were to feel guilty. The guilt-prone ones shared more, even though they hadn’t magically become more sympathetic to the other child’s deprivation.

  “That’s good news,” Malti says. “We can be prosocial because we caused harm and we feel regret.”

  21.Researchers think that guilt can be a good thing because it may help______.

  A)regulate a child's basic emotions

  B)improve a child's intellectual ability

  C)foster a child’s moral development

  D)intensity a child's positive feelings

  【答案】C foster a child’s positive feelings

  【解析】根据题干“researchers”, “guilt”, “a good thing”关键词定位到第一段最后一句,除此之外,提干中还有关键词“because”, 判定该题属于细节题中考查因果逻辑关系的题目,需要在原文中精准回文定位;原文中第一段最后一段明确出现了“This is why researchers generally regard so-called moral guilt…a good thing.”根据代词向前文指代的原则,题干中所问的原因就在上一句,由“Children aren’t born knowing how to say ‘I’m sorry’, rather, they learn over time that such statements appease parents and friends----and their own conscience”,其中的“such statements appease parents and friends----and their own conscience”(该品质能够使父母/朋友和孩子自己都感觉更舒适),such statements指代的即为“say sorry”或文章主题词guilt, 纵观四个选型,只有C选项foster a child’s moral development(提高孩子的道德发展)可以实现同义替换,故为正确答案。其余选项A.regulate a child’s basic emotions (管理孩子基本情绪)中的regulate原文未提及, B. improve a child’s intellectual ability(改善孩子的智力)中intellectual ability原文未提及,而D.intensify a child’s positive feelings(加强孩子的积极感觉)在原文中未提及,故排除。

  22.According to paragraph 2, many people still consider guilt to be______.




  D) deception

  【答案】B burdensome

  【解析】 根据题干可知这是一个典型的细节题。根据题干关键信息 “paragraph 2, “ many people still consider guild to be”定位到第二段,最终锁定对本段第二句话的理解,尤其关键的是对第二句话中破折号的理解,“it is deeply uncomfortable-it’s the emotional equivalent of wearing a jacket weighted with stones. ” (这种感觉非常不舒服,就像穿着一件石头做的夹克一样) , 对比所给四个选项,只有 B 项“burdensome”(负担沉重的,繁重的)与原文表述一致,故为最佳答案。 A项“deceptive” (欺骗的) C项“addictive”(上瘾的) 以及D项“inexcusable” (不可原谅的)均与原文表述不一致,故排除。

  23. Vaish hold that the rethinking about guilt comes from an awareness that______.

  A)emotions are context-independent

  B)emotions are socially constructive

  C)emotional stability can benefit health

  D)an emotion can play opposing roles

  【答案】D an emotion can play opposing roles

  【解析】根据题干可知这是一个典型的细节题。根据题干关键信息 “Vaish holds that …awareness that.” 定位本文的第二段 “There has been a kind of revival or a rethinking …can serve.”但是这句话是他的观点句,也就是题干信息所在句,本句没有答案,因此,根据线性思维,下文他又继续补充到“adding that this revival is a psychology researcher……in another ”(这种复兴是更大的认识的一部分,即情绪不是二元情感,在一个情境中有利的情绪在另一个情境中可能是有害的), 对比四个选项,只有 D“an emotion can play opposing roles” (情绪可以起到相反的作用) 为最佳答案。A项“emotions are context-independent”(情绪与语境无关)与原文表述相反。 B 项“emotions are socially constructive”(从社会角度讲,情绪具有积极性) 在文中没有提及。C项“emotional stability can benefit health”(情绪稳定有益与身体健康) 在文中没有提及,故排除。

  24. Malti and others have shown that cooperation and sharing _______.

  A. may help correct emotional deficiencies

  B. can result from either sympathy or guilt

  C. can bring about emotional satisfaction

  D. may be the outcome of impulsive acts

  【答案】B can result from either sympathy or guilt

  【解析】根据题干可知这是一道人物观点题。根据题干关键词“Malti and others have shown 与cooperation and sharing.”回文定位到第四段第三句:“Malti and others have shown that guilt and sympathy may represent different pathways to cooperation and sharing.” (马尔蒂和其他人已经表明,内疚和同情可能代表了合作和分享的不同途径。) 对比四个选项,只有B项 can result from either sympathy or guilt(要么归因于同情,要么归因于内疚)与原文表述一致,故为正确选项。A项may help correct emotional deficiencies(可能有助于改正情感缺陷)与第四段第二句话… that guilt may compensate for an emotional deficiency(内疚可能会弥补情感缺陷)不符。C项can bring about emotional satisfaction(能够带来情感上的满足)并未提及。D项may be the outcome of impulsive acts (可能是冲动行为的结果) 与第四段第三句…which can rein in their nastier impulses(这可以控制他们更糟糕的冲动)因果倒置,故排除。

  25. The word “transgressions” (Para.5) is closest in meaning to _______.

  A. teachings

  B. discussions

  C. restrictions

  D. wrongdoings

  【答案】D wrongdoings

  【解析】根据题干要求定位到第五段第二句话“Using caregiver assessments and the children’s self-observations, she rated each child's overall sympathy level and his or her tendency to feel negative emotions after moral transgressions.” 且位于主句的“transgressions”的前面出现to feel negative emotions,情感属于消极贬义。对比四个选项,D项wrongdoings坏事,不道德的行为,属于贬义词,与其情感色彩一致,故为正确选项。A项teachings 教导,属于褒义词。B项discussions 讨论,属于中性词 。C项restrictions 限制;约束,属于中性词,故排除。

  Text 2

  Forests give us shade, quiet and one of the larder callenges in the fight against climate change. Even as we humans count on forests to soak up a good share of the carbon dioxide we produce, we are threatening their ability to do so. The climate change we are hastening could one day leave us with forests that emit more carbon than they absorb.

  Thankfully, there is a way out of this trap-but it involves striking a subtle balance. Helping forests flourish as valuable “carbon sinks” long into the future may require reducing their capacity to absorb carbon now. California is leading the way, as it does on so many climate efforts, in figuring out the details.

  The state’s proposed Forest Carbon Plan aims to double efforts to thin out young trees and clear brush in parts of the forest. This temporarily lowers carbon-carrying capacity. But the remaining trees draw a greater share of the available moisture, so they grow and thrive, restoring the forest’s capacity to pull carbon from the air. Healthy trees are also better able to fend off insects. The landscape is rendered less easily burnable. Even in the event of a fine, fewer trees are consumed.

  The need for such planning is increasingly urgent. Already, since 2010, drought and insects have killed over 100 million trees in California, most of them in 2016 alone, and wildfires have burned hundreds of thousands of acres.

  California plans to treat 35,000 acres of forest a year by 2020, and 60,000 by 2030- financed from the proceeds of the state’s emissions- permit auctions. That’s only a small share of the total acreage that could benefit, about half a million acres in all, so it will be vital to prioritize areas at greatest risk of fire or drought.

  The strategy also aims to ensure that carbon in woody material removed from the forests is locked away in the form of solid lumber or burned as biofuel in vehicles that would otherwise run on fossil fuels. New research on transportation biofuels is already under way.

  State governments are well accustomed to managing forests, but traditionally they’ve focused on wildlife, watersheds and opportunities for recreation. Only recently have they come to see the vital part forests will have to play in storing carbon. California’s plan, which is expected to be finalized by the governor next year, should serve as a model.

  26. By saying “one of the harder challenges,” the author implies that _______.

  A. global climate change may get out of control

  B. people may misunderstand global warming

  C. extreme weather conditions may arise

  D. forests may become a potential threat

  【答案】D forests may become a potential threat

  【解析】 根据题干信息词定位到首段。第一句引出文章话题“在人类对抗气候变化中,森林给我们带来了一个更为艰巨的挑战。”第二句指出人类正在威胁到森林吸收二氧化碳的能力。第三句“The climate change we are hastening could one day leave us with forest that emit more carbon than they absorb.”为本段的主题句,指出我们人类所造成的气候变化问题最终会使得森林排放更多的二氧化碳,而不是吸收。即森林可能会威胁气候的恶化和人类的生存。故选择D项“森林可能会变为一个潜在威胁。”

  27. To maintain forests as valuable “carbon sinks,” we may need to _______.

  A. preserve the diversity of species in them

  B. accelerate the growth of young trees

  C. strike a balance among different plants

  D. lower their present carbon-absorbing capacity

  【答案】D Lower their present carbon-absorbing capacity

  【解析】根据题干要求定位到第二段。该段首句中的前半句there is a way out of this trap对应题干中To maintain forest as valuable “carbon sinks”, 后半句提出具体的解决方法it involves striking a subtle balance(这需要达到一个微妙的平衡),但并没有说这个平衡是不同植被间的平衡,故不能据此选[C]strike a balance among different plants。紧接着第二句提到要达到这一目的可能需要reducing their (forests’) capacity to absorb carbon now(降低他们(森林)现在吸收碳的能力),由此可知正确答案应为[D]选项。

  28. California’s Forest Carbon Plan endeavors to _______.

  A. cultivate more drought-resistant trees

  B. reduce the density of some of its forests

  C. find more effective ways to kill insects

  D. restore its forests quickly after wildfires

  【答案】B reduce the density of some of its forests

  【解析】细节题做题的技巧是“准确定位和匹配”。根据题干关键词 “Forest Carbon Plan”定位至第三段第一句话。题干中问题是“endeavor to”表示“努力做…”对应文章中 “double efforts to” ,因此答案在这个短语之后即“thin out young trees and clear brush in parts of the forest”表示的意思是使“森林里部分小树变稀疏,清理部分灌木”,这与选项C中的“reduce the density of some of its fforests”即“降低森林的密度”一致。因此正确答案选C。

  29. What is essential to California’s plan according to Paragraph 5?

  A.To handle the areas in serious danger first.

  B.To carry it out before the year of 2020.

  C.To perfect the emissions-permit auctions.

  D.To obtain enough financial support.

  【答案】A To handle the areas inserious danger first

  【解析】根据题目定位到第5段,题目What is essential to California's plan 中的essential可回文定位,对应原文中的so it will be vital to prioritize areas at greatest risk of fire or drought的vital,其后的prioritize对应选项中的handle…first,areas at greatest risk对应选项中的the areas in serious danger,故正确选项为A。

  30. The author’s attitude to California’s plan can best be described as _______.

  A. ambiguous

  B. tolerant

  C. supportive

  D. cautious

  【答案】C supportive

  【解析】根据题干关键词“attitude”,可确定是态度题。做态度题的核心是把握明显感情色彩的关键词,即可快速得出答案。而在文章的最后一段,往往会出现本文的结论,容易出现感情色彩的关键词。根据最后一段最后一句,California's plan, which is ……, should serve as a model (California的计划应该能够起到榜样作用),model是一个积极色彩的词汇,所以答案选B supportive 支持的。

  Text 3

  American farmers have been complaining of labor shortages for several years. The complaints are unlikely to stop without an overhaul of immigration rules for farm workers.

  Congress has obstructed efforts to create a more straightforward visa for agricultural workers that would let foreign workers stay longer in the U.S. and change jobs within the industry. If this doesn’t change, American businesses, communities, and consumers will be the losers.

  Perhaps half of U.S. farm laborers are undocumented immigrants. As fewer such workers enter the country, the characteristics of the agricultural workforce are changing. Today’s farm laborers, while still predominantly born in Mexico, are more likely to be settled rather than migrating and more likely to be married than single. They’re also aging. At the start of this century, about one-third of crop workers were over the age of 35. Now more than half are. And picking crops is hard on older bodies. One oft-debated cure for this labor shortage remains as implausible as it’s been all along: Native U.S. workers won’t be returning to the farm.

  Mechanization isn’t the answer, either—not yer, at least. Production of corn, cotton, rice, soybeans, and wheat has been largely mechanized, but many high-value, labor-intensive corps, such as strawberries, need labor. Even dairy farms, where robots do a small share of milking, have a long way to go before they’re automated.

  As a result, farms have grown increasingly reliant on temporary guest workers using the H-2A visa to fill the gaps in the workforce. Starting around 2012, requests for the visas rose sharply; from 2011 to 2016 the number of visas issued more than doubled.

  The H-2A visa has no numerical cap, unlike the H-2B visa for nonagricultural work, which is limited to 66,000 a year. Even so, employers complain they aren’t given all the workers they need. The process is cumbersome, expensive, and unreliable. One survey found that bureaucratic delays led the average H-2A worker to arrive on the job 22 days late. The shortage is compounded by federal immigration raids, which remove some workers and drive others underground.

  In a 2012 survey, 71 percent of tree-fruit growers and almost 80 percent of raisin and berry growers said they were short of labor. Some western farmers have responded by moving operations to Mexico. From 1998 to 2000, 14.5 percent of the fruit Americans consumed was imported. Little more than a decade later, the share of imports was 25.8 percent.

  In effect, the U.S. can import food or it can import the workers who pick it.

  31. What problem should be addressed according to the first two paragraphs?

  A. Discrimination against foreign workers in the U.S.

  B. Biased laws in favor of some American businesses.

  C. Flaws in U.S. immigration rules for farm workers.

  D. Decline of job opportunities U.S. agriculture.

  【答案】 [C] Flaws in U.S. immigration rules for farm workers

  【解析】根据题干提示词first two paragraphs可知本题依据文章前两段命制,为双段推理型题目。快速扫读可知前两段大意为:美国针对外来农民所定移民规则中存在一些问题,并指出如不及时解决美国商业,社会以及消费者都会受到影响。比对选项可直接判断正确选项为C项,其余选项均属无中生有,直接排除。

  32. One trouble with U.S. agricultural workforce is .

  A. the rising number of illegal immigrants

  B. the high mobility of crop workers

  C. the lack of experienced laborers

  D. the aging of immigrant farm workers

  【答案】[D] the aging of immigrant farm workers

  【解析】细节推理题。根据题干中的trouble, U.S. agricultural workforce以及段落序列定位到文中第三段第二句。定位段第三至七句都在论证第二句的内容,其中第三句论证的是劳动力的来源及其倾向,第四至七句论证的是劳动力在变老并指出picking crops is hard on older bodies. 与选项D吻合。选项A中的rising及illegal属于无中生有,选项B中的high mobility与定位段中的farm labors are more likely to be settled rather than immigrating矛盾,选项C属无中生有。

  33.What is the much-argued solution to the labor shortage in U.S. farming?

  A. To attract younger laborers to farm work.

  B. To get native U.S. workers back to farming.

  C. To use more robots to grow high-value crops.

  D. To strengthen financial support for farmers.

  【答案】 [B] To get native U.S. workers back to farming.

  【解析】细节题。根据题干中的much-argued solution to the labor shortage定位到第三段最后一句,其中oft-debated对应原文的much-argued,solution对应原文的cure,剩余信息出答案,冒号解释了这个经常被谈论的方法:美国本国工人不会重返农场。说明本身的解决方法是让美国本国工人回到农场,与选项[B]一致。[A]选项attract younger laborers在文章未体现,文章只是提到现在的farm laborer在老龄化。[C]选项出现在文章的第四段,文章只是说在high-value crops上需要劳动力。在乳牛场机器人只做了一小部分工作。选项将两部分杂糅在一起了。[D]选项中financial support在文中未提及,属于无中生有。

  34. Agricultural employers complain about the H-2A visa for its .

  A. slow granting procedures

  B. limit on duration of stay

  C. tightened requirements

  D. control of annual admissions

  【答案】 [A] slow granting procedures

  【解析】 因果细节题。根据题干中的具体信息,agricultural employers,complain,about the H-2A visa。回文定位到第六段。根据具体信息定位到第六段的,Employers complain they aren’t given all the workers they need.这句话是抱怨的内容,文中问的是原因,紧接着下面一句话,the process is cumbersome,expensive,and unreliable.并且在这句话后面one survey 是例子。根据例子证明论点,下面的例子和前面的the process这句话表达的观点是一致的。同时,在例子中有for的同义词lead to,导致了arrive on the job 22 days late. Delay,late 对应选项中的slow,procedure对应process。所以选A。 B中的limit,原文后面跟着是人数66,000,偷换概念。C中的request出现在例子中,说的是visa rose sharply。D项文中未提及,无中生有。

  35. Which of the following could be the best title for this text?

  A. U.S. Agriculture in Decline?

  B. Import Food or Labor?

  C. America Saved by Mexico?

  D. Manpower vs. Automation?

  【答案】B Import Food or Labor?


  Text 4

  Amold Schwarzenegger. Dia Mirza and Adrian Grenier have a message for you. It’s easy to beat plastic. They’re part of a bunch of celebrities starring in a new video for World Environment Day—encouraging you, the consumer, to swap out your single-use plastic staples like straws and cutlery to combat the plastics crisis.

  The key messages that have been put together for World Environment Day do include a call for governments to enact legislation to curb single-use plastics. But the overarching message is directed at individuals.

  My concern with leaving it up to the individual, however, is our limited sense of what needs to be achieved. One their own, taking our own bags to the grocery store or quitting plastic straws, for example, will accomplish little and require very little of us. They could even be detrimental, satisfying a need to have “done our bit” without ever progressing onto bigger, bolder, more effective actions—a kind of “moral licensing” that allays our concerns and stops us doing more and asking more of those in charge.

  While the conversation around our environment and our responsibility toward it remains centered on shopping hags and straws, we’re ignoring the balance of power that implies that as “consumers” we must shop sustainably, rather than as “ citizens” hole our governments and industries to account to push for real systemic change.

  It’s important to acknowledge that the environment isn’t everyone’s priority-or even most people’s. We shouldn’t expect it to be. In her latest book, Why Good People Do Bad Environmental Things. Wellesley College professor Elizabeth R. DeSombre argues that the best way to collectively change the behavior of large numbers of people is for the change to be structural.

  This might mean implementing policy such as a plastic tax that adds a cost to environmentally problematic action, or banning single-use plastics altogether. India has just announced it will “eliminate all single-use plastic in the country by 2022.” There are also incentive-based ways of making better environmental choices easier, such as ensuring recycling is at least as easy as trash disposal.

  DeSombre isn’t saying people should stop caring about the environment. It’s just that individual actions are too slow, she says, for that to be the only, or even primary, approach to changing widespread behavior.

  None of this is about writing off the individual. It’s just about putting things into perspective. We don’t have time to wait. We need progressive policies that shape collective action (and rein in polluting businesses), alongside engaged citizens pushing for change.

  36. Some celebrities star in a new video to

  A. demand new laws on the use of plastics

  B. urge consumers to cut the use of plastics

  C. invite public opinion on the plastics crisis

  D. disclose the causes of the plastics crisis

  【答案】A urge consumers to cut the use of plastics

  【解析】从题干” some celebrities star in a new video to”定位第一段第3句:“ They’re part of a bunch to celebrities starring in a new video for……to swap out your single-use plastic staples to combat the plastics crisis. ”意为:“鼓励消费者减少单一使用塑料制品,与塑料制品危机抗争”,与A 选项 “urge consumers to cut the use of plastics”“鼓励消费者减少塑料袋的使用”含义相符合。

  37.The author is concerned that “moral licensing” may

  A. mislead us into doing worthless things

  B. prevent us from making further efforts

  C. weaken our sense of accomplishment

  D. suppress our desire for success

  【答案】A prevent us from making further efforts

  【解析】根据题干the author is concerned that “crisis licensing”定位到第3段,最后一句:“they could even …to have done our bit without ever progressing onto bigger, bolder, more effective actions---… a kind of “crisis licensing “ that eases our concerns and stops us doing more and asking more of those in charge” 意为:“……他们没有采取更大,更明显,更有效的举措…”与A选项“ prevent us from making further efforts” “妨碍我们进一步的举措”含义相符。

  38. By pointing out out identity “citizens”, the author indicates that

  A. our focus should be shifted to community welfare

  B. our relationship with local industries is improving

  C. We have been actively exercising our civil rights

  D. We should press our government to lead the combat

  【答案】C we should press our governments to lead the combat

  【解析】根据题干…“citizens”, the author indicates that, 定位到第4段,最后半句 rather than as “citizens”hold our governments and industries to account to push for real systemic change. 意为:“ 而不是作为”citizens” 去要求政府和工业去推行真正的系统化的改变。言外之意,就是作者希望政府做出改变去应对现在的情形。与C选项中“we should press our governments to lead the combat” “我们应该向政府施压,使之主导这次抗争”相符合。

  39. DeSombre argues that the best way for a collective change should be

  A. a win-win arrangement

  B. a self-driven mechanism

  C. a cost-effective approach

  D. a top down process

  【答案】C a top- down process

  【解析】根据题干可知这是一道观点细节题。根据题干关键词可定位在第五、六段“Elizabeth R. DeSombre argues that the best way to collectively change the behavior of large number of people is for the change to be structural” 由该段可知,DeSombre认为集体性的改变大多数人行为的还不错的方式就是使其变成结构性的。六段进一步从人们和政府的角度,阐述了这种结构化的改变,所以选项C a top-down process,自上而下的过程,符合文意。

  40. The author concludes that individual efforts

  A. can be too aggressive

  B. can be too inconsistent

  C. are far from sufficient

  D. are far from rational

  【答案】B are far from sufficient

  【解析】根据题干可知这是一道观点细节题。根据题干关键词可定位在最后一段,“None of this is about writing off the individual. It’s just about putting things into perspective. We don’t have time to wait. We need progressive policies that shape collective action, alongside engaged citizens pushing for change.”由该段可知,作者认为并不是要抹杀个人,只是换一个角度去思考问题,我们没时间再等待,我们需要能够形成集体行为的进步政策,以及推动变革的热心公民。所以作者强调个人的努力还远远不够,还需要政策的进一步支持,选择B选项,are far from sufficient。

  Part B


  You are going to read a list of headings and a text. Choose the most suitable heading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraph(41-45)。 Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET.(10 points)

  Five ways to make conversation with anyone

  In choosing a new home, Camille McClain’s kids have single demand: a backyard.

  McClain’s little one aren’t the only kids who have an opinion when it comes to housing, and in many cases youngsters’ views weigh heavily on parents’ real estate decisions, according to a 2018 Harris Poll survey of more than 2,000 U.S. adults.

  While more families buck an older-generation proclivity to leave kids in the dark about real estate decisions, realty agents and psychologists have mixed views about the financial, personal and long-term effects kids’ opinions may have.

  The idea of involving children in a big decision is a great idea because it can help them feel a sense of control and ownership in what can be an overwhelming process, said Ryan Hooper, clinical psychologist in Chicago.

  “Children may face serious difficulties in coping with significant moves, especially if it removes them from their current school or support system,”he said.

  Greg Jaroszewski, a real estate brokers with Gagliardo Realty Associates, said he’s not convinced that kids should be involved in selecting a home—but their opinions should be considered in regards to proximity to friends and social activities, if possible.

  Younger children should feel like they’re choosing their home—without actually getting a choice in the matter, said Adam Bailey, a real estate attorney based in New York.

  Asking them questions about what they like about the backyard of a potential home will make them feel like they’re being included in the decision-making process, Bailey said.

  Many of the aspects of homebuying aren’t a consideration for children, said Tracey Hampson, a real estate agent based in Santa Clarita, Calif. And placing too much emphasis on their opinions can ruin a fantastic home purchase.

  “Speaking with your children before you make a real estate decision is wise, but I wouldn’t base the purchasing decision solely on their opinions.”Hampson said.

  The other issue is that many children-especially older ones-may base their real estate knowledge on HGTV shows, said Aaron Norris of The Norris Group in Riverside, Calif.

  “They love Chip and Joanna Gaines just as much as the rest of us,” he said. “HGTV has seriously changed how people view real estate. It’s not shelter, it’s a lifestyle. With that mindset change come some serious money consequences.”

  Kids tend to get stuck in the features and the immediate benefits to them personally, Norris said.

  Parents need to remind their children that their needs and desires may change over time, said Julie Gurner, a real estate analyst with FitSmallBusiness.com.

  “Their opinions can change tomorrow,”Gurner said.“Harsh as it may be to say, that decision should likely not be made contingent on a child’s opinions, but rather made for them with great consideration into what home can meet their needs best-and give them an opportunity to customize it a bit and make it their own.”

  This advice is more relevant now than ever before, even as more parents want to embrace the ideas of their children, despite the current housing crunch.

  41、【答案】A(remarks that significant moves may pose challenges to children)

  【解析】题干考察Ryan Hooper的观点,回文定位Ryan Hooper这个人说的话,一共两句,很多同学容易根据第一句话(第四段)误选D选项。仔细观察D选项,原文第四段说的是应该给孩子a sense of control and ownership, D选项说的是a sense of involvement,属于偷换概念,因此排除;再看Ryan Hooper说的第二句话(第5段),根据第二句话,得出A选项是Ryan Hooper观点的等价代换,其中significant moves 对应原文中的significant moves,pose challenges to children就等于原文中的children may face serious difficulties. 故此题选A。

  42、【答案】D(thinks that children should be given a sense of involvement in……)

  【解析】题干考察Adam Bailey的观点,回文定位Ryan Hooper这个人说的话在第七段,第八段。其实这两句话意思几乎一致,为同义复现,第七段中的 should feel like they are choosing their home 等同于第八段中的…will make them feel like they are being included in the decision-making process,D选项中的involvement 对应原文中的being included, in homebuying decisions对应原文的in the decision-making process. 故此题选择D。

  43、【答案】C(advises that home purchases should not be based only on……)

  【解析】 根据人名“Tracy Hampson”定位至第十段,“Speaking with your children before you make a decision is wise, but I wouldn’t base the purchasing decision solely on their opinions.”这句话中的 wouldn’t base the purchasing decision solely on their opinions是 should not be based only on children’s opinions 的同义改写。

  44、【答案】G(assumes that many children’s views on real estate are ……)

  【解析】定位Aaron Norris,在原文第十一段,往前看他的观点The other issue is that…on HGTV shows句意为很多孩子对房地产的知识基于HGTV的节目,再看下一段(也是Aaron Norris的观点),HGTV has…changed how people view real estate…首先HGTV shows为G选项中media的同义替换,其次view real estate三词均可在选项和原文中找到对应,最后选项中influenced对应文中的changed,所以正答为G。

  45、【答案】F(believes that homebuying decisions should be based on ……)

  【解析】本题问的是Julie Gurner的观点。定位至文章倒数第二、三段。倒数三段中说到parents need to remind their children that their needs and desires…在此提出了父母要向孩子说明needs需求以及desires欲望这两方面,而紧接着倒数二段中直接又提到their opinions can change tomorrow…能够确定JG这人对于opinions持否定态度正好对应到F选项中的rather than their opinions。因此确定F选项为正确答案。

  Section Ⅲ Translation

  46. Directions:

  Translate the following text into Chinese. Write your translation neatly on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)

  It is easy to underestimate English writer James Heriot. He had such a pleasant, readable style that one might think that anyone could imitate it. How many times have I heard people say “I could write a book. I just haven’t the time.” Easily said. Not so easily done. James Herriot, contrary to pupular opinion, did not find it easy in his early days of, as he put it, “having a go at the writing game”。 While he obviously had an abundance of natural talent, the final, polished work that he gave to the world was the result of years of practising, re-writing and reading. Like the majority of authors, he had to suffer many disappointments and rejections along the way, but these made him all the more determined to succeed. Everything he achieved in life was earned the hard way and his success in the literary field was no exception.


  我们很容易低估英国作家吉米?哈利。他有着一种令人愉快的、可读的风格,有人认为这种风格任何人都可以模仿得来。很多次我听到人们说:“我能写一本书,我只是没时间。”说起来容易,做起来难。然而与大家通常所想的不同, 正如吉米?哈利所言,他在早年觉得“尝试写作游戏”并非易事。显然,即便他极具写作天赋,哈利呈现给这个世界的作品也是经过多年的练习、重写、阅读并且经过润色之后才得以形成的。与大多数作家一样,一路走来,吉米?哈利不得不经受多次的失望与拒绝,但是这一切更坚定了他获取成功的决心。他生命中所取得的一切,都是依靠自己艰苦的努力所获得的。他在文学领域的成功也不例外。

  Section IV Writing

  Part A

  47. Directions: Suppose you have to cancel your travel plan and will not be able to visit professor Smith, write him an email to

  Suppose Professor Smith asked you to plan a debate on the theme of traffic. Write him an email to

  1) Suggest a specific topic with your reasons, and

  2) Tell him about your arrangements.

  You should write about 100 words on the ANSWER SHETE.

  Do not use your one name. Use “Li Ming” instead. (10 points)

  Part B

  48. Directions: Write an essay based on the chart below. In your writing, you should

  1) interpret the chart, and

  2) give your comments

  You should write about 150 words on the ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)




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