2025 年全国硕士研究生招生考试英语(二)真题(翻译)
Part B
Directions: Read the following text and answer the questions by choosing the most suitable subheading from the list A-G for each numbered paragraphs (41-45). There are two extra subheadings which you do not need to use. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)
[A] reveal humans ’ deep respect for nature
[B] are crucial to humans ’ mental wellbeing
[C] are a human imitation of animal behaviour [D] show a shared trait in humans and animals
[A] Stay positive
[B] Respect the past [C] Use channels
[D] Give it time
[E] Invite resistance [F] Be a salesman
[G] Be humble
Five Steps to Suggesting a Change at Work That'll Actually Get Taken Seriously
Everyone wants to be that person—the one who looks at the same information as everyone else, but who sees a fresh, innovative solution. However, it takes more than simply having a good idea. How you share it is as important as the suggestion itself.
Why? Because writing a new script-literally or figuratively-means that other team members will have to adapt to something new. So whether you're suggesting a (seemingly) benign change like streamlining outdated protocol, or a bigger change like adding an hour to each workday so people can leave early on Fridays, you're asking others to reimagine their workflow or schedule. Not to mention, if the process your scrapping is one someone else suggested, there's the possibility of hurt feelings.
To gain buy-in on an innovative, new idea, follow these steps:
41 .Great ideas don’t stand alone. In other words, you can’t mention your suggestion once and expect it to be adopted. To see a change, you’ll need to champion your plan and sell its merits. In addition, you need to be willing to stand up to scrutiny and criticism and be prepared to explain your innovation in different ways for various audiences.
42 .Sometimes it makes sense to go to your boss first. But other times, it’s useful to build a coalition among your co-workers or other stakeholders. When it works, it works great— because you’re ready for your stubborn supervisor’s pushback with answers like, “Actually, I connected with a few people in our tech department to discuss how much time these kinds of website updates would take, and they suggested they have the bandwidth.
43 .One of the biggest barriers to gaining buy-in occurs when the owner of an idea is viewed as argumentative, defensive, or close-minded. Because, let’s be honest: No one likes a know- it-all. So, if people disagree with you, don’t be indignant. Instead, listen to their concerns
fully, try to understand their perspective, and include their concerns (and possible remedies) in future discussions.
So, instead of saying, “Martha, our current slogan is confusing and should be updated,” you could try, “Martha raises a great point that our current slogan has a long history for our stakeholders, but I wonder if we might able to brainstorm a tagline that could build on that— and be clearer for new customers.”
44 .New ideas are the grandchildren of old ones. In other words, don’t throw old solutions under the bus to make your improvement stand out. Remember that in light of whatever the problem the old system solved—or, maybe, has failed to solve in recent memory—it was a great idea at the time. Appreciating the older contributions as you suggest future innovations helps bolster the credibility of your idea.
45 .When pitching a new idea, it’s important use the language of abundance instead of the language of deficit. Instead of saying what is wrong, broken, or suboptimal, talk about what is right, fixable, or ideal. For example, try, “I can see lots of applications for this new approach” rather than, “This innovation is the only way.” Be optimistic but realistic, and you will stand out.
Section III Translation
46. Directions: Translate the following text from English into Chinese. Write your translation on ANSWER SHEET. (15 points)
You know the moment -- the conversation. Slows, then there’s a pause. It’s awkward, and so awkward that some people will panic and say anything. Do we all find such silences so stressful?
Researchers analysed the frequency and impact of gaps greater than 2 seconds during conversations including an overview of previous studies which indicate that the fear of awkward silences can be so extreme that people avoid talking to strangers, even though doing so is likely to be an enjoyable experience.
During conversations with shot gaps, people feel more connected to their conversations partners. But such feelings of connection markedly dip when entirely a long gap. Long gaps between strangers are likely to be followed by a change in topic.
But the opposite seems to be true for conversations between friends. Long gaps there saw increased connection. Between friends, longer gaps seem to provide natural moments for reflection and expression.
Part B
【解析】这段主要讲述了伟大的想法需要被推销和倡导,你需要为你的计划辩护并推 销其优点,还要准备好以不同的方式向不同的受众解释你的创新。因此,选择“Be a salesman”(成为一名推销员)作为小标题最为贴切。
【解析】这段提到有时候需要首先去找上司商量,但其他时候在同事或其他利益相关 者中组建联盟也很有用。这实际上是在讲述如何选择合适的沟通渠道来推动你的想法。 因此,“Use channels”(使用渠道)是一个合适的小标题。
【解析】这段主要讨论了当想法的提出者被视为爱争辩、有防御性或思想封闭时,会 阻碍获得支持。因此,建议如果人们不同意你的观点,不要愤慨,而是要倾听他们的
担忧,尝试理解他们的立场。这体现了谦逊和开放的态度,所以选择“Be humble”(保 持谦逊)作为小标题。
【解析】这段强调了新想法是旧想法的延续,不要为了突出你的改进而贬低旧的解决 方案。要记得旧的系统在当时是一个很好的想法,并欣赏过去的贡献。这实际上是在 呼吁尊重历史,因此“Respect the past”(尊重过去)是一个合适的小标题。
【解析】这段主要讲述了在推销新想法时,要使用丰富的语言而不是匮乏的语言,要 谈论什么是正确的、可修复的或理想的,而不是总是说什么是错的、坏的或不够好的。 这体现了要保持积极乐观的态度,因此“Stay positive”(保持积极)是一个合适的小标 题。
每个人都想成为那样的人——面对同样的信息,却能发现新颖、创新的解决方案。 然而,仅仅有一个好主意是不够的。如何分享这个建议与建议本身同样重要。
为什么呢?因为无论是从字面还是比喻意义上来说,编写一个新的剧本(即提出 新的建议)都意味着其他团队成员必须适应新的东西。所以,无论你是在提议一个(看 似)温和的改变,比如精简过时的流程,还是一个更大的改变,比如每天增加一小时 工作时间以便周五能早点下班,你都在要求他人重新构想他们的工作流程或时间表。
更不用说,如果你废弃的流程是其他人提出的,那么可能会伤害到他们的感情。 为了获得对创新想法的支持,请遵循以下步骤:
41. 做一名推销员
伟大的想法不是孤立存在的。换句话说,你不能只提一次建议就指望它被采纳。 要想看到改变,你需要为你的计划摇旗呐喊,推销它的优点。此外,你需要愿意接受 审查和批评,并准备以不同的方式向不同的受众解释你的创新。
42. 使用渠道
有时先找上司商量是明智之举。但其他时候,在同事或其他利益相关者中组建联 盟也很有用。当这个方法奏效时,效果会非常好——因为你已经准备好了应对固执上 司的反驳,比如用“实际上,我已经和技术部门的几个人联系过,讨论了这种网站更新 需要多少时间,他们表示有这个能力”这样的回答。
43. 保持谦虚
获得支持的最大障碍之一,是想法的提出者被视为爱争辩、有防御性或思想封闭。 因为说实话,没有人喜欢自以为是的人。所以,如果有人不同意你的观点,不要愤慨。 相反,要充分倾听他们的担忧,尝试理解他们的立场,并在未来的讨论中纳入他们的 担忧(以及可能的解决方案)。
因此,与其说“玛莎,我们当前的口号很让人困惑,应该更新一下” ,你不妨试试这样 说:“玛莎提出了一个很好的观点,我们当前的口号对我们的利益相关者有着悠久的
历史意义,但我在想,我们是否能在此基础上进行头脑风暴,想出一个既能传承历史 又能让新客户更清晰的标语。”
44. 欣赏过去
新想法是旧想法的孙子辈。换句话说,不要为了突出你的改进而贬低旧的解决方 案。要记住,无论旧系统解决了什么问题——或者最近未能解决什么问题——在当时 它都是一个很好的想法。在提出未来的创新时,欣赏过去的贡献有助于增强你的想法 的可信度。
45. 保持积极
在推销一个新想法时,使用丰富的语言而不是匮乏的语言很重要。不要总说什么 是错的、坏的或不够好的,而要谈论什么是正确的、可修复的或理想的。例如,试着 说“我能看到这种新方法有很多应用”而不是“这种创新是唯一的方法”。保持乐观但现 实,你就会脱颖而出。
Section III Translation
你知道那一刻——对话慢了下来,然后出现了停顿。这很尴尬,尴尬到有些人会 惊慌失措,说出任何话来。我们所有人都觉得这样的沉默如此有压力吗?
研究人员分析了对话中超过 2 秒的停顿的频率和影响,包括对先前研究的概述, 这些研究表明对尴尬沉默的恐惧可能非常强烈,以至于人们避免与陌生人交谈,尽管 这样做很可能会是一次愉快的体验。
在对话中,短暂的停顿让人们感觉与对话伙伴更加亲近。但当进入长时间的停顿 时,这种连接感会显著下降。陌生人之间的长时间停顿可能会由话题的转变而改变。
但对于朋友之间的对话来说,情况似乎正好相反。在朋友之间,长时间的停顿反 而增加了连接感。在朋友之间,更长的停顿似乎提供了自然的反思和表达时刻。