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来源:天任考研  |  更新时间:2024-12-29 09:26:33  |  关键词:






Part B

Directions: For Questions 41-45, choose the most suitable paragraphs from the list A-G and fill them into the numbered boxes to form a coherent text. Paragraph F and G have been correctly placed. Mark your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

[A] Peters likes to photograph butterflies in a landscape, celebrating the beauty of their

surroundings as well as the insects themselves. His pictures of a Glanville fritillary rising from the sea-pinks beside the chalk cliffs of Compton Bay on the Isle of Wight are particularly glorious. These take-off shots are even more challenging because they require a wide-angle lens, which means he must be less than 2 cm from the butterfly. It’s incredibly difficult to get that close to a skittish, sun-warmed insect. Unlike some photographers, who “cheat” by keeping insects in a fridge to slow them down, Peters refuses to tamper with wild butterflies.

[B] Peters ’ signature shot is a "butterfly take-off", showing a multiple wing-beat of one butterfly in one frame when it lifts off a flower. How does he capture it? Technology helps. A typical digital SLR camera shots 20 frames a second. He uses a high-speed OM System which shots 120 frames a second.

[C] Britain has relatively few butterfly species compared with mainland Europe and 80% are in decline, mostly because intensive chemical farming has reduced many species to tiny fragments of habitat and small nature reserves. Global heating is benefiting some species but

others are too isolated to find suitable new habitat, and gardening habits – paving over gardens and using pesticides – aren’t helping either. Butterflies may not pollinate as many plants as wild bees and hover flies, but because British butterflies are the best-studied group of insects in the world, they are an extremely useful indicator of the wider declines in flying insects.

[D] Five years ago, at summer’s end, Andrew Fusek Peters was diagnosed with bowel cancer. “I was waiting for surgery, feeling really ill, sitting in my garden. It was amazing weather and there were painted lady butterflies everywhere,” he says. “They were a symbol of fragile life, of hope and defiance, and something appealed to my soul.”

[E] That makes it sound easy, and artificial, but Peter insists it is still a massive challenge. He typically takes between 10,000 and 20,000 shots to get one butterfly take-off sequence in focus. At such high shutter speeds, the depth of field is tiny, and as butterflies do not fly in a straight line they swiftly flutter out of focus. As well as thousands of attempts, it takes patience and fieldcraft to anticipate a butterfly‘s likely flight-line-and catch it -in focus.

[F] So what’s the appeal of a long, sweaty day in pursuit of an elusive, fast-moving wild animal? “It just feels bloody brilliant,” says Peters. “If I’ve had a full day of good encounters with butterflies, met interesting butterfly people and I’ve got some good shots, that becomes a vault in my spiritual bank. It’s a happy feeling.”

[G] A children’s author and poet who had become a keen amateur photographer, Peters watched the butterflies and idly wondered if he could capture them in flight. It swiftly became an obsession as he recovered from a successful operation to remove the cancer. In recent summers, he has travelled the length and breath of Britain to photograph all 58 native species of butterfly. Now the fruits of these summers have been published in a beautiful new book.

A butterfly takes off so quickly it is still impossible to react quickly enough to capture that take-off but if he half-presses the shutter, the camera saves the 70 previous frames before the moment he actually takes the picture. “It’s time travel, so I don’t miss the moment of take-off,” he says. After he’s captured the butterfly taking off, he layers 10 to 15 frames together in Photoshop.

Section III Translation

Directions: Read the following text carefully and then translate the underlined segments into Chinese. Write your answers on the ANSWER SHEET. (10 points)

Innovation and research have relied on public participation in science for centuries.It was a musician who discovered the planet Uranus in the 18th century by making his own telescope with mirrors composed of copper and tin. (46) Recent decades have seen more engagement in the subject can only be done through institutions such as a university.Citizer science provides an opportunity for greater public engagement and the democratisation of science.

In the information era, large data sets, small teams and contradistinctions have slowed scientific process. (47) But by utilizing the naturalization of the general public it is possible to overcome many of these challenges by engaging non-scientists directly in the research

process. Anyone can be a citizen scientist, regardless of age, nationality of academic experience. You don't even need any formal training, just an inquisitive mind and the enthusiasm to join one of the thousands of citizer science projects to generate new knowledge and the means to understand a genuine scientific outcome. (48) Scientists have employed a variety of waves to engage the general public in their research, such as making data analysis

into an online game or sample collection into a smartphone application. They've implored citizens to help with bug counting and categorizing cancer cells, and ever identifying distant galaxies.

This form of accessible science means that great minds are able to join the race to create and develop projects with the potential to change the world. A citizen science-based approach can extend the field of vision and include different ideas and different brains to problem- solve and create making innovation faster and more effective

The rise of citizen sciences has grown alongside the rise odo-it-yourself biology laboratories around the world. (49) These groups of people are part of a rapidly expanding biotechnological social movement of citizen scientists and professional scientists seeking to

take discover out of institutions and put it into the hands of anyone with the enthusiasm.

There are around 40 official do-it-yourself biology centres across the globe in locations including Paris, London, Sydney, and Tel Aviv. (50) The pool resources, collaborate, think outside the box. and find solutions an wa s around obstacles to ex lore science for the sake

of science without the traditional boundaries of working inside a formal setting. So is it time to take the Petri dish out of the laboratory and into the garage?

Part B


【解析】考查文章开头引入与个人经历的相关性。文章以Andrew Fusek Peters(Peters) 的个人经历为开头,特别提到了他在被诊断为肠癌后,在花园里观察到蝴蝶的情景。 选项 D 详细叙述了这段经历,不仅描绘了当时的天气和蝴蝶的美丽,还深入表达了蝴 蝶对 Peters 心灵的触动,象征了生命的脆弱、希望与抗争。这为后文他如何迷上蝴蝶

并投身于蝴蝶摄影做了情感上的铺垫。因此,D 选项作为文章的开头引入是恰当的。


【解析】考查个人经历与摄影兴趣的关联。在 D 选项之后,文章需要进一步展开 Peters 如何从观察蝴蝶发展到拍摄蝴蝶的过程。G 选项详细描述了Peters 作为儿童文学作家 和诗人的背景,以及他如何成为一名热衷于业余摄影的人。更重要的是,它提到了他 在成功接受癌症手术后,对拍摄飞行中的蝴蝶产生了浓厚的兴趣,并迅速成为了一种 痴迷。这为后文他如何努力拍摄蝴蝶,以及他在摄影上的成就做了背景上的铺垫。因 此,G 选项紧随 D 选项之后是合理的。


【解析】考查摄影技术与拍摄手法的介绍。在介绍了 Peters 的背景和兴趣后,文章需 要具体描述他是如何拍摄蝴蝶的。B 选项详细解释了 Peters 的标志性拍摄手法——“蝴 蝶起飞” ,并介绍了他使用的高速摄影技术。特别是他使用的高速 OM 系统,每秒能 拍摄 120 帧,这对于捕捉蝴蝶起飞的瞬间至关重要。这为后文他如何成功拍摄到这些 精彩瞬间提供了技术支持和解释。因此,B 选项在逻辑上应该紧随 G 选项之后。


【解析】考查拍摄挑战与努力过程的描述。在介绍了 Peters 的拍摄手法和技术后,文 章需要进一步阐述他拍摄蝴蝶所面临的挑战和付出的努力。E 选项详细描述了拍摄蝴 蝶起飞序列的艰巨性,包括需要拍摄大量照片(10,000 到 20,000 张)才能得到一张清 晰的序列,以及由于快门速度高、景深小和蝴蝶飞行轨迹不固定等因素导致的拍摄难 度。这为后文他如何克服这些困难,成功拍摄到精彩瞬间提供了努力和坚持的例证。 因此,E 选项在逻辑上应该紧随 B 选项之后。


【解析】考查个人感受与总结陈述的呈现。在描述了 Peters 的拍摄手法、技术和努力 过程后,文章需要以一个总结性的陈述来结束全文,强调他对拍摄蝴蝶的热爱和成就 感。F 选项以 Peters 的口吻表达了这种感受,他称拍摄蝴蝶为“血腥的棒极了”(可能 是指非常棒或令人兴奋的意思,这里进行了意译),并描述了拍摄成功后的精神满足 和快乐感觉。


[A] 彼得斯(Peters)喜欢在风景中拍摄蝴蝶,以此赞美蝴蝶及其周围环境的美丽。他 在怀特岛康普顿湾的白垩悬崖旁拍摄的格兰维尔蛱蝶从海粉花丛中翩翩升起的照片 尤为壮观。这些起飞的照片更具挑战性,因为它们需要使用广角镜头,这意味着他必 须距离蝴蝶不到 2 厘米。要接近这种因阳光照射而变得敏捷的昆虫是非常困难的。与 一些摄影师不同,他们通过把昆虫放在冰箱里来减缓它们的动作以“作弊”,但彼得斯 拒绝干扰野生蝴蝶。

[B] 彼得斯的标志性照片是“蝴蝶起飞” ,它展示了蝴蝶从花朵上起飞时,在一张照片 中呈现出的多次翅膀拍打。他是如何捕捉到这一瞬间的呢?技术起到了帮助作用。一 台典型的数码单反相机每秒拍摄 20 帧。而他使用的是一款高速 OM 系统相机,每秒 能拍摄 120 帧。

[C] 与欧洲大陆相比,英国的蝴蝶种类相对较少,且 80%的种类数量正在下降,这主 要是因为密集的化学耕作将许多物种的栖息地缩减成了很小的碎片,并形成了小型的 自然保护区。全球变暖对一些物种有利,但其他物种因过于孤立而无法找到合适的新 栖息地,而且园艺习惯——如将花园铺成硬化路面和使用杀虫剂——也对此没有帮助。 蝴蝶可能不会像野生蜜蜂和食蚜蝇那样为许多植物授粉,但由于英国的蝴蝶是世界上 研究得最透彻的昆虫群体,因此它们对飞行昆虫数量更广泛的下降具有极其重要的指 示作用。

[D] 五年前,在夏季结束时,安德鲁·弗塞克·彼得斯(Andrew Fusek Peters)被诊断出 患有肠癌。“我正在等待手术,感觉非常不舒服,坐在花园里。当时天气惊人地好,到 处都是豹纹蝶,”他说。“它们是脆弱生命的象征,代表着希望和反抗,触动了我的灵 魂。”

[E] 这听起来似乎很简单,甚至有些人为之,但彼得斯坚持认为这仍然是一个巨大的 挑战。他通常需要拍摄 1 万到 2 万张照片,才能得到一张清晰的蝴蝶起飞序列照片。 在如此高的快门速度下,景深非常小,而且蝴蝶不会直线飞行,它们会迅速飞出焦点。 除了成千上万次的尝试外,还需要耐心和野外技能来预测蝴蝶可能的飞行路线,并在 其保持焦点的瞬间捕捉到它。

[F] 那么,是什么让人们在漫长而汗流浃背的一天里,去追求这种难以捉摸、快速移

动的野生动物呢?“这感觉太棒了,”彼得斯说。“如果我有一整天的时间与蝴蝶亲密接 触,遇到了有趣的蝴蝶爱好者,并且拍到了一些好照片,那就会在我的精神世界里留 下一笔财富。这是一种幸福的感觉。”

[G] 彼得斯曾是一名儿童读物作者和诗人,后来成为了一名热衷于摄影的业余摄影师。 他观察着蝴蝶,并随意地想着自己是否能捕捉到它们飞行的瞬间。当他成功接受癌症 手术后康复期间,这迅速成为了一种痴迷。在最近的几个夏天里,他走遍了英国的各 个角落,拍摄了所有 58 种本土蝴蝶。现在,这些夏天努力的成果已经被收录在一本 美丽的新书中。蝴蝶起飞的速度非常快,仍然不可能快速反应过来捕捉到起飞的瞬间, 但如果他半按快门,相机会在他实际拍照的那一刻之前保存之前的 70 帧。“这就像时 间旅行,这样我就不会错过起飞的瞬间,”他说。在捕捉到蝴蝶起飞后,他会在 Photoshop 中将 10 到 15 帧叠加在一起。

Section III Translation


几个世纪以来,创新与研究一直依赖于公众的科学参与。18 世纪,一位音乐家 利用由铜和锡制成的镜片自制望远镜,从而发现了天王星。(46)近几十年来,人们 更多地通过大学等机构参与这一领域。公民科学为公众更广泛地参与以及科学的民 主化提供了机会。

在信息时代,大数据集、小型团队和资金限制减缓了科学研究的进程。(47)但是, 通过利用公众天生的好奇心,直接让非科研人员参与研究过程,就有可能克服其中 的许多挑战。任何人都可以成为公民科学家,无论年龄、国籍或学术背景如何。你 甚至不需要任何正规培训,只需具备好奇心和热情,就可以加入成千上万的公民科 学项目,以产生新知识,并理解真正的科学成果。(48)科学家们采用了多种方式让 公众参与他们的研究,比如将数据分析变成在线游戏,或将样本收集变成智能手机 应用程序。他们恳请公民协助统计昆虫数量、分类癌细胞,甚至识别遥远的星系。

这种触手可及的科学形式意味着,伟大的思想家能够加入创造和发展可能改变 世界的项目的行列。基于公民科学的方法可以拓宽视野,纳入不同的想法和不同的 思维方式来解决问题和创造,从而使创新更快、更有效。

公民科学的兴起与世界各地自制生物学实验室的兴起相伴而行。(49)这些人群是 公民科学家和专业科学家组成的快速发展的生物科技社会运动的一部分,他们寻求将 发现从机构中解放出来,让任何有热情的人都能掌握。全球约有 40 个正式的自制生 物学中心,分布在巴黎、伦敦、悉尼和特拉维夫等地。(50)他们汇集资源,开展合作, 跳出传统思维框架,寻找解决办法和绕过障碍的方法,为了科学而探索科学,不受正 式环境传统界限的束缚。那么,是时候把培养皿从实验室拿到车库了吗?

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